Scam Haters United

Friday, 28 December 2018

FAINERI MONTEIN is fake and is using the pictures of Rui Manuel Azevedo

Works at Marine.Engineering
Lives in Brussels, Belgium
From Brussels, Belgium

Contacting women at the moment.

👍ALWAYS GOOGLE IMAGES. Or you can use TINEYE. There are other free apps you can get for mobiles..TRY REVERSEE!

Hello, I come from Germany and met him on December 21, 2020 via the Facebook Dating APP. There he called himself Donald Rui Manuel. Unfortunately, he deleted his profile there very quickly so that I could not report him. As already written, he is said to be born in Portugal, but was adopted in the States. He is reportedly a widower and has two children. Even sent me photos of herself with the kids. He is said to have only recently started working as an engineer on an oil platform in the Netherlands. He even sent me a picture in work clothes. The contact was made through hangouts. On December 30th I finally had him and asked him if the names Emmanuel Maldi, Serge Gasset, Marc Alain, Pedro Kane or Anthony Kruger meant anything to him. It can be found under this name on the Internet. As Anthony Kruger he can be found on Printerest. I have been looking for a site for a long time where I can make other women aware of him. I hope this helps a bit.


  1. Found this guy on pretending to be "Tony Adams" ... FAKE!

  2. These pictures were just used on Bumble. He was pretending to be Travis Greg, CEO of Elapath Oil and Energy. All fake!

  3. Posted and thank you for the information

  4. Ladies, women, girls take care of that man!!! I do not know who is he and what he is but must be very sick. I understood immediately after I heard his voice on fone (I wanted to check him) that he is not the person from picture. The voice is very young, and not educated man. He is laughing like a drunk. He said he is from US but he called from +44 that is UK country code. Stupid man.
    At the moment (now is 28.06.) he respresent him like: Randell Walborg. He even open account on LinkedIn with that name and photoo of man that he use:
    That is crime! He introduce himself like owner of construction company :
    First time he told he live in Hartford Connecticut, USA. The second time in Chicago.
    All in all TAKE CARE!!!

  5. I received several emails from this man-claims to Randell Walborg who own a construction company in CT. He will write long emails that seem to be genuiune and even send pictures and a link to his company.

    1. long emails are easy... they make one and send it out to thousands and only need change a few words to fit with you. Fake construction websites are common too....

      If it is these pictures.. you are being scammed

  6. Well I got this mail from him today - mail id

    Writing you now is the most courageous thing I have done for quite a long time now. Hope you are having a wonderful and nice day. I write you in regards to your LinkedIn page I came in contact with while I was searching for an Old colleague of mine. To be honest we both don't know each other but the gorgeous and charming smile of your profile picture really caught my attention. You might find this really strange receiving such email now from me because LinkedIn isn't meant for this kind of connection but I must say I really developed interest in getting to know you more personally.

    Without hiding under the cloak of ambiguity. I am interested in communicating and getting to know you and this is me being honest. I hope no offence is taken. I do believe everything is possible if we put our mind and heart together just like I believe that good things can be found in the least places and when we least expect. I will appreciate to hear back from you after reading this mail.


    1. I wonder how many of these they send?? Looking for an old colleague is a VERY common introduction a scammer uses. Thank you so much for sending the information. Please block and don't continue anything with scammers. You need to check that construction company exists.. because it will not. Fake websites are very easy.
      There are ways to see who registered websites and your Walborg is hosted:
      Name Server:
      Name Server: Host Now Now is a Nigerian hosting company.
      The fake site says he is in the US with a map to London !

      Thanks for this email... now please get out of the scam.

    2. Ruth, thank you so much for the warnings on this fake character . I have him blocked , he has a linkedIn profile and I have copied below the latest and of course the last one from him.

      How are you today,Thanks so much for making out time in replying my mail I must say I was deeply touched receiving your mail and I have also sent you an Invite on LinkedIn now too....I really would want to sincerely apologize if my email to you seemed a bit inappropriate as you really do not know me.I must say I strongly do believe we all do have personal instincts that guides us,Same instinct prompted me to contact you when I came across your LinkedIn profile without any Ulterior motives rather than getting to know such a beauty More and I want to apologize once again if that offended you.

      I will try to be brief in writing about myself now,My names are Randell Walborg and same names as My LinkedIn page too. I was born in Malmö, Sweden but I was raised in Merseyside England, United Kingdom because my father was transferred to England due to his job. My mother left me and my father for another man when I was just 4 yrs old, I was raised by my father. He was the best father in the world though I lost him to Cancer 13 yrs ago now buy his memories still lives on and I still do miss him so much. I relocated to Hartford Connecticut to start a new life again,presently working and living here too.

      I'm 55 yrs old and 180 cm (5f’11) tall, weighing 82 kg. Life over here as become so lonely for me since my divorce, I was not the lucky type in my marriage, I was married to an unfaithful lady who also turned out to be a drug addict, We where married for over 19yrs with no child, I didn't notice all her bad escapades on time, She slept with my friends, using my money to buy her drugs and it almost ruined my life and affected me so much, I had no option other than file for a divorce. I Just felt maybe I can start by having friends again and try opening my heart to someone special too, I'm a Civil Engineer by profession and run my construction company. We carry our projects both in and outside the country.Please do take a look at my Website:

      Attached to this mail are few of my photos so you have a clearer picture with whom you communicating with.

      Having made this brief introduction about myself, I would gladly appreciate getting an email from you telling me more about yourself too.Do have a nice day!


    3. Thank you ! So fake and I never understand the more stupid scammer that thinks a European country covers their Nigerian accent... no.. his accent does not sound Swedish ! The wife on drugs is also common and .. well.. nasty. They do not mention their lies and greed ! Such a shame.

    4. He's stolen many more pictures other than the ones you have posted because he sent me many of them.

    5. Yes well I know.. there are many stolen... just think how you would feel if someone sent your life out and pretended to be you. It's not good... and invasion of lives.

  7. Vous pouvez rajouter le nom de Mathieu Niesse.
    Depuis un an cet homme me parle.
    Rui Manuel De Azevedo est aussi coupable de ne rien faire pour arrêter ça.

    1. Je pense que vous devez faire beaucoup de recherches sur les escroqueries amoureuses. Très facile à dire, les hommes ne font rien pour l'arrêter. Si c’était vos photos utilisées et sur les ordinateurs portables des Africains à envoyer à n’importe qui… pouvez-vous arrêter? Non.
      Peut-être pensez-vous à une réponse possible avant de si mal juger. Merci pour l'information.

  8. I sent you a message about him using the name Steve Jacob Andrea and using this man's pictures. Poor guy, to have his photos stolen so many times.

    1. Yes women are scammed once these ones are scammed a thousand times.. thank you for sending

  9. Yes I have been done by this man claiming to be Michael Roberts

    1. Is it on FB or IG.. it's a common name and I can't find just in a quick search. ?

  10. Replies
    1. Hangouts is Scammer's paradise ! be careful on there are reply to nobody contacting you on there and if anyone gets you to go on there .. refuse

  11. Hi Ladies and Gents

    Some scammer that calls himself "Larry Schwing" on FB is also using Rui Manuel De Azzevedo's pictures. The scammer pretends to be an Orthopedic Surgeon for the US Military and is currently stationed in Yemen, he gave me the whole "I'm a widower and only have 1 son" bs story. Larry "Schwinged" and missed, before he could even attempt to ask for money I told him flat out that if he is looking for money, gifts etc from me he is going to wait a very long time, but hey you contacted me and since you are a surgeon and what not, courier me some nice Christmas gifts! Strangely he hasn't messaged me since. Think on your feet ladies, use your brains first, then the rest of your body. I have a lot of empathy for the poor guy whose pics are being used by these scammers. Stay safe online everyone!!

    1. I love this past.. I wish everyone had the same mindset as you ! Thank you

  12. Hello ladies, now he calls himself Donald Rui Manuel and is supposedly an engineer on an oil platform. According to him, he is a widower and has two children. Allegedly born in Portugal and adopted in the States. Allegedly currently working in the Netherlands. Unmasked him pretty quickly and confronted him with some of his "scam names". Haven't heard anything since then. At the moment he's probably trying his luck in Germany.

    1. They scam around the world.. hence their first question... what is your name and where are you from! Oil platform is common and so is born in Europe as they think this disguises their African accent !!!!! So glad you checked

    2. Hello, I come from Germany and met him on December 21, 2020 via the Facebook Dating APP. There he called himself Donald Rui Manuel. Unfortunately, he deleted his profile there very quickly so that I could not report him. As already written, he is said to be born in Portugal, but was adopted in the States. He is reportedly a widower and has two children. Even sent me photos of herself with the kids. He is said to have only recently started working as an engineer on an oil platform in the Netherlands. He even sent me a picture in work clothes. The contact was made through hangouts. On December 30th I finally had him and asked him if the names Emmanuel Maldi, Serge Gasset, Marc Alain, Pedro Kane or Anthony Kruger meant anything to him. It can be found under this name on the Internet. As Anthony Kruger he can be found on Printerest. I have been looking for a site for a long time where I can make other women aware of him. I hope this helps a bit.

    3. Careful of Facebook dating app.. it is thoroughly flooded by scammers.
      It does help and thank you The information is all searchable and so the names can be found.
      There are hundreds of scammers using the same pictures so maybe the other names didn't mean anything ! But it does mean you know it's a scam.. thank you!

  13. Hello, I come from Germany and met him on December 21, 2020 via the Facebook Dating APP. There he called himself Donald Rui Manuel. Unfortunately, he deleted his profile there very quickly so that I could not report him. As already written, he is said to be born in Portugal, but was adopted in the States. He is reportedly a widower and has two children. Even sent me photos of herself with the kids. He is said to have only recently started working as an engineer on an oil platform in the Netherlands. He even sent me a picture in work clothes. The contact was made through hangouts. On December 30th I finally had him and asked him if the names Emmanuel Maldi, Serge Gasset, Marc Alain, Pedro Kane or Anthony Kruger meant anything to him. It can be found under this name on the Internet. As Anthony Kruger he can be found on Printerest. I have been looking for a site for a long time where I can make other women aware of him. I hope this helps a bit.

  14. He is on linkedin as Anthony Becker petroleum engineer. I am asking him to send me some money before he asks me. I'm selling him a hard sob story.


  15. Witam. Człowiek, o którym tu piszecie przeniósł się na polskiego Facebooka. Napisał do mnie przedstawiając się jako inżynier nie wiadomo czego Kristoffer lub Noah Roosevelt. Pochodzi z USA z Bostonu a w drugim przypadku z Stuttgart. Oczywiście wolny wdowiec z 14 letnim synem Morrisonem, który uczy się w szkole z internatem w Anglii. Pracuje na platformie wiertniczej na Morzu Irlandzkim. Przesyła tony zdjęć. Nie wiem czego oczekuje, ale ja zaczynam blokadę na wszystkich kontach, które znalazłam.

    1. Blokowanie to najlepsza rzecz, jaką możesz zrobić! wszystkie są fałszywe, platformy wiertnicze są powszechnym oszustwem! Bardzo często, ale pamiętaj, że są to oszuści, a wszystko, po co są, to udawanie romansu i proszenie o pieniądze!

  16. Hello everyone, he is still active... Now he lives in Annecy, France and he pretends to be an retired architect :)

    1. Thanks for the information, many scammer teams use these pictures... so they will be different scammers! bEWARE

  17. Hola, su nueva identidad es lucasbrown838 en Instagram, dice ser de Geòrgia-Atlanta, viudo y con un hijo de 13 años en un internado ya que por su trabajo no puede atender, empezamos a hablar hace apenas un mes, me dijo que estaba en Torino y días mas tarde fué a Estambul para un nuevo contrato, se dedica, explica él, a la instalación de cableado subterraneo de telecomunicaciones y esta semana me explicó que se habia estropeado el motor de su màquina y que la reparación era muy costos, que le faltaban 10.000 euros y que sólo yo podía ayudarlo, al negarme se enfadó diciéndome que sólo me inventaba excusas...También me mandó fotos muchas de ellas las que tenéis publicadas. Empezó saludándome por Instagram, me pidió mas fotos y al decirle que ya podía ver mis publicaciones muy educadamente me dijo que ok, pero él si que me mandó alguna más a parte de las que tiene en Insta. Sólo espero que ninguna mujer se deje estafar, es muy cariñoso, hasta que te niegas a lo que pide. Espero que se publique mi aviso, vi que tiene bastantes mujeres que le siguen.
