Scam Haters United

Friday, 22 September 2023

Michael R Williams, Louis R Lopez, Diego R Lopez and a few more names. Using Pedro Rolon


Michael R Williams, Louis R Lopez, Diego R Lopez and a few more names.

This is the guy I met and scammed me along with other people. It has several names. Michael R Williams, Louis R Lopez, Diego R Lopez and a few more names.

More or less ago I met a supposed military man on Instagram. We texted and he told me to go to Google Chat to continue talking.

He told me that he was a widower,
that he had a 6-year-old daughter.
He is at the base in Allepo Syria.

He sent me a photo and in that photo I saw that he was a serious person. We continue talking after two weeks and he tells me that he is going to send me a package with cash, militia papers and other valuables.

He tells me that he cannot have it at the Base where he supposedly works. I hesitated at first and then agreed. I sent him the address but not of my house.

He supposedly sends me the package and the company that sent the package charged me in each country that the package entered. I continued paying until the package entered Puerto Rico.

The supposed company tells me that the police detained the package and that I had to pay to have it released.

I paid the money and now I have to pay more to get the package delivered. He told me that when he had the package he would take the money I paid from there and a little more.

He cries to me because he doesn't want to lose his military papers. This is only a summary.

I practically lost my savings, which were not much, paying for the package.

The company is complicit in all of this. I write to the company and they do not give me valid answers or they do not answer my questions


  1. A similar thing happened to me with a guy using these photos. He said his name was Joel Johnson, he’s a U.S. Marine based in Syria. A widower with two small children that are being cared for at a military school. Within 3 days he was declaring undying love, and within a month he was asking for money and Steam cards that he said he was exchanging for food because he wasn’t being fed properly. I knew that was a lie because the military do feed them very well as I’ve been told by my friends that served. I asked if I could send a care package to him as I have done in the past with real military penpals, but he told me it wasn’t allowed because it’s a security risk.
    When I refused to send money or cards he started getting very aggressive and even tried to blackmail me by saying he would post all my personal info online if I didn’t send him £2000 - I still refused. Up to April/May 2023 he kept messaging and asking for money but seems to have vanished now.

    1. But why did it get that far? You knew it was all lies and you still let it stay with you and get aggressive? You refused but let it stay with you and waited for it to disappear... take yuor online life into your own hands. BLOCK THEM. Not safe to have in your devices BUT the man whose pictures they are sending hates this happening to him. It won't stop if the scammers are never blocked.

    2. I blocked him on Twitter, closed down two email addresses and blocked him on my main email account but he still found me on Facebook Messenger even though I hardly used it. I was forced to shut down my account and lose my friends on there. He is smarter than people give him credit for.

    3. you can, in your settings chose to not accept Messages from those who are not friends. Smarter! not the word I'd use. You have an annoying room full of West Africans who are annoyed at losing the scam. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SHUT DOWN ANY ACCOUNTS.. just take control and you can do that.
