, pub-2893503378204328, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 " ScamHaters United .. Visit us also on Facebook and Instagram : JOHNATHAN LIBBY ... SCAMMING OLDER WOMEN

Scam Haters United


Friday, 9 June 2017



  • Works at US Army
  • Studied at washintong dc
  • Went to Eastern High School
  • Lives in Washington, District of Columbia
  • From Washington, District of Columbia
AS YOU SEE JOHNATHAN LIVES IN 'washingtong dc'. 



and many more.


What would you really look like as a couple and does a young soldier want to be see with his mates with a much older woman?


YOU ARE NOT TALKING TO THE MAN IN THE PICTURES.. These have been stolen and he is innocent of all of this. He is a victim.

ALWAYS GOOGLE IMAGES. Or you can use TINEYE. There are other apps you can get for mobiles.. Free Apps. This can be your best friend. It can be the difference between being scammed and not.

Kenneth Libby Johnson from Wilkes-Barre PA stations in Dubai and needs iTunes gift cards, or Amazon gift cards to sell for cash to pay for flight home.

he also targets gay men, as johnathan libby
Also known as Curtis Libby. Been contacted by him thru the gay scruff app under the call sign ardor_lust we did exchange phone numbers but no more than that says he is in Syria in the army with the combat engineer group from fort hood. Says he was from Europe but moved to the states with his mother and is now alone after he came out at 19 states current age as 34. I should have know it was a scam and had the feeling in the beginning but after a bit I started goggling info and saw the picture that looked like him. What I thought was real was not glad it has only been a few days so my feelings are intact along with my money lol as of now his profile his suddenly gone on the app since I did not answer his texts this morning. I have pictures for you to share how can I get those to you?


  1. he also targets gay men, as johnathan libby

    1. Thank you.. that is getting worryingly increasingly more common. They always have.. but in nothing like the way they doing now.

  2. Also known as Curtis Libby. Been contacted by him thru the gay scruff app under the call sign ardor_lust we did exchange phone numbers but no more than that says he is in Syria in the army with the combat engineer group from fort hood. Says he was from Europe but moved to the states with his mother and is now alone after he came out at 19 states current age as 34. I should have know it was a scam and had the feeling in the beginning but after a bit I started goggling info and saw the picture that looked like him. What I thought was real was not glad it has only been a few days so my feelings are intact along with my money lol as of now his profile his suddenly gone on the app since I did not answer his texts this morning. I have pictures for you to share how can I get those to you?

    1. is the place for pictures please.

      They are evil though, contacting you knowing every word they say is a lie. I am so glad you searched and found. One day everyone will I am sure and they will get nothing and hurt nobody !!

      Never answer them... they hate it !! But it's by far the best way.

      Thank you.

    2. I have just sent you the info and i hope this help out others from being scammed. Thanks for the work you do here by posting this info.

    3. I have everything and thank you.... I'm going through them and I'm posting them now. Yes, it will help.
      You searched and found and increasingly people are doing that.

      Getting caught.. we can only wish.. because Africa does not mind it's scammers. So the soluttion has to come from our side. To educate people to question and search. To get dating sites and social media to act as soon as they are told and not let repeat pictures through the net.

      When they can get nothing.. then they will have to stop. I think it's terrible we have to tell people not to trust.. but scammers have destroyed trust... for now !! We will reclaim it.

      Thank you very much for sending them to me.


    5. What about an aaron libby? Asks for email and phone number. Sends email with name in it, but also sends email by mistake with the name sergio delaceiz in the email. Has same plus more pictures like the ones about shown for Jonathan libby. Doesn't ask for money or anything like that.

    6. If it's using the Libby pictures he is fake. If he is saying military he is fake.
      Why talk to a fake and give him good scamming practice?? It will only stop when they get women to stop responding to them.

    7. I was scammed by him I feel like a fool. I gave out in iTunes card $300. I was just wondering if the man John Libby even knows his pictures are out there like this.I watch a video of the real John he had a cute little southern accent. Talked to the scammer on the phone not the same at all out of this US. I will never do that again very hard for me to trust people on the net now! Love to meet the real Aka (John Libby) (Anthony Libby) Thanks for listening.

  3. He contact me like "Vincent Libby" wechat ID: vinclib
    His english was so rusty, and the way he chat was so crepy, was easy to identify him immediately

  4. A guy so handsome and so naughty, wanting to play with the feelings of the older women, glad he did not fall into his, let him think he was in love after unmasking him, he should be arrested in military uniform to embarrass his country.

    1. He may be handsome and he isn't naughty.
      African scammers are the naughty ones.. and naughty as in evil and twisted.

      His identity has been stolen and used against his will. He is innocent and he is a victim. Please don't think it is him. He is a lovely man with a settled family who is badly used for evil deeds.

  5. Literally in the middle of a “it’s not me” conversation with this guy right he is playing my friend and everything on here is true and he is literally saying the same shit to her. Also he has tons of Facebook accounts he is also using Johnny Johnny

    1. They have very few stories.. I've found a couple more that we'll report tonight.. and we get them removed every day and still we find more.
      He's a nice guy... and he isn't making profiles and contacting anyone.. so please.. tell her just to block... wasting time listening to African scammer lies isn't worth it

  6. I recently have been in contact with a "Libby" as well, but he goes by "Danny Libby" on Facebook. He Hasn't asked me for my number nor has asked for money. in fact, quite the opposite, he brags that he has inherited his late father's money and is keeps repeating he is rank Captain in the Army. An has sent me a picture of his bank account and how much money he has in it... SO i am confused after looking through all of this ....

    1. Please don't take this any further. Look at this message left today and it is very genuine.
      TIERRA LIBBY6 June 2018 at 16:30
      I'm the wife of the real Libby and yes he does know that he's pictures are being used has to scamming people and we are very upset about this and we do have people looking into this and we send our complete apologies to everyone out there we are trying are best to get this cleared up asap our love goes out to each and everyone of you.
      You are being scammed. He is so incredibly rich he is a soldier in the army.. and of course everyone sends a picture of their bank account to someone they have never met. ALL fake ALL fabricated.
      Something will happen and guess what... he can't get to the millions he has and he needs YOU to send money.

      So.. please, help us fight scammers and help the real Libby and end this now. Your scammer is lying to you and sending you pictures of a stolen life. He is a low life scumbag... and you will find that out if you let this go any further.

      I can't find this one on FB.. please help with a link.

  7. Walter Gabriel Libby is the current alias this person is going by. Facebook profile under Libby Gabriel, stationed in Afghanistan living in Damascus, Syria, from Lake Charles Louisiana. He created a profile in October 2017 and is currently scamming people that way. He tried to get me to pau for materials to be brought into U.S. very disturbed by this.

      this one and it will be reported and removed tonight.
      There was never anything to be brought into the US.. the fake package scam is one of their oldest and gets them a lot of money.
      But ! thank you. We will get this reported and removed.

  8. He is currently using the name Walter Gabriel Libby on facebook supposedly living in Damascus, Syria, from Lake Charles Louisiana. He is asking gay men to smuggle gold into the United States from there. Very convincing and I have to say very disturbing. Started communication 2 days ago, have his dod number and several forms of id an multiple pictures he is using and sending.

  9. He sent this is my MILITARY'S DOD #1479494590, and said to check out his military history on this man is very convincing and very gpod and trying to sweet talk you and tell you exactly what you want to hear. Multiple profiles, multiple addresses. Looking at his DOD file shows Walter Libby active soldier at Bagram Air Base, Parvan Province, Afghan, Hometown Hudson(Texas), signed on July 28th 2016, Release Date July 28th 2020. This is email address he is using currently Walter. Whoever this is needs to be stopped. November 2018.

    1. That is amazing. I have never seen this site and I need to work on it. Very fake of course and very dangerous.
      Thanks for all of this. I will get the fake FB page closed tonight.
      I have applied to the domain host to see if we can get the website closed.. this is often hit and miss and although I know I can do the FB.. it's fingers crossed for the website.

      THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL OF THIS. I've posted it on our FB page and this one here.

      We can't stop them we know that,we can only hope to make as much available and hope people, like you , will search.

    2. I am confused. I have been messaging a Richard S Erksine (Libshot) who claims he is the Army and stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX. I know people catfish so I did google Fort Bliss to see if that was correct. There is a Fort Bliss in El Paso. We exchanged numbers but his phone number on the WhatsApp has a area code for El Paso beginning in 915. I googled that too and it's correct. He claims his home base is at Fort Bliss but when and if he gets deployed he is not allowed to say since that is top secret. I have friends in the military and some that have gotten out so I know how things can get about being deployed. I had a x who was also marine and was stationed at Hawaii and that person was real. We met in person before he decided to join the military and it ended because he was just a selfish person when he got stationed to Hawaii. Anyways he also would tell me he couldn't tell me where he was being deployed at the time we did date. So I understand all that but I noticed the first time this guy Richard and I talked he had a accent. I questioned him and he states he was born in the UK and lived with his mom until he was 12. When he was 12 he moved to the US with his dad who was in the Military. He claims his dad is retired from the military now and this Richard has been in the Army for 12 years. He has made it a career and has a son who is 12 right now and is also in military boarding school. That his kids mom passed away from lung cancer 6 years ago. I thought it was weird for him to tell me all this on the first few days and that time we talked on the phone.

    3. . I thought it was weird for him to tell me all this on the first few days and that time we talked on the phone. The thing that freaked me out the most when he told me he loved me that first call and that that his kid would love me to be his mom. I had told him that is so weird. He hasn't met me to say that to me. He told me it's because he feels a connection and we need to trust each other. He found me on fb on a group we are both in called Capricorn Talk. Both Capricorns and he claims his birthday is on January 19th. He asked a lot of questions when we talked on the phone which I found weird. He had asked what music I was into, movies, the basic trying to get to know one another. but again, what freaked me out is him telling me he loved me. He never asked for money but did ask where do I work and how much I make. I did get upset about it and didn't answer his question and he apologized. He hasn't asked since. I'm confused only because something is a little off to me. He has sent me photos that are not on his fb profile so I used image search to see if this was a fake person. Those photos he sent me that I searched nothing came out bad or at all. So I used a photo he has on fb on image search and the photo I used is the one with the blue long sleeve shirt. It brought me to here and it looks like that photo has been used a lot. So I did more investigating and I saw I can use TINEYE to look up a person as well. So the photos he recently sent me I searched those photos and nothing came out still. The photos he has sent me is at the military base where he usually works out and he has a tattoo just like the profile picture on his fb. Like I said I used to date a x who was a marine and he did send me photos when he would work out where he was stationed in Hawaii.

    4. Never his deployment. So to me it's confusing because part of this Ricard's story sounds true but only parts of it. The whole part of Fort Bliss and the area code number is from El Paso. That part and when he randomly sends me photos when he can and they have the same tattoos. One on his shoulder and one on his lower chest. It's small. That part adds up but the part that is suspicious is his accent, military life story and his kid's mother part. If this is a scam and he is using a person's death to get a sob story then that is pretty pathetic. He seems like a nice person but again I want to know who I am speaking to. Like I said he has not asked me for money for all I know he probable is getting it from somewhere else. He just wants to get to know me. I want to be sure if this is a real person or a scam just like I have read on all these comments. If this is a scam does this person really know they are still using his photos? And who is the right person on the pic? his real name? Please help.

    5. Also, he is willing to face time me. So I am super confused if this person is real or not..Please help.

  10. Ruiz Libby facebook account asked to chat on KIK messannger but clicked on it a black showed up

  11. Kenneth Libby Johnson from Wilkes-Barre PA stations in Dubai and needs iTunes gift cards, or Amazon gift cards to sell for cash to pay for flight home. Same pictures used.

    1. Amazon cards to sell for flight money !! Well he has a good imagination... or not !
      Thanks for the information.
      NOBODY that contacts you and tells you they are military are ever real. They don't do it,they are not allowed to do it

  12. I am confused. I have been messaging a Richard S Erksine (Libshot) who claims he is the Army and stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX. I know people catfish so I did google Fort Bliss to see if that was correct. There is a Fort Bliss in El Paso. We exchanged numbers but his phone number on the WhatsApp has a area code for El Paso beginning in 915. I googled that too and it's correct. He claims his home base is at Fort Bliss but when and if he gets deployed he is not allowed to say since that is top secret. I have friends in the military and some that have gotten out so I know how things can get about being deployed. I had a x who was also marine and was stationed at Hawaii and that person was real. We met in person before he decided to join the military and it ended because he was just a selfish person when he got stationed to Hawaii. Anyways he also would tell me he couldn't tell me where he was being deployed at the time we did date. So I understand all that but I noticed the first time this guy Richard and I talked he had a accent. I questioned him and he states he was born in the UK and lived with his mom until he was 12. When he was 12 he moved to the US with his dad who was in the Military. He claims his dad is retired from the military now and this Richard has been in the Army for 12 years. He has made it a career and has a son who is 12 right now and is also in military boarding school. That his kids mom passed away from lung cancer 6 years ago. I thought it was weird for him to tell me all this on the first few days and that time we talked on the phone.

    1. The phone numbers are Google Voice... a virtual number you can make look like it comes from anywhere you want to.
      Born in the UK is an English accent and highly unlikey if he left the UK at 12 .. and I'm sorry but he is very fake... widowed.. and from cancer, child in boarding school... they want to appear in need of pity and you are all he has. Top Secret is not words a military person would use !
      Using Libby's pictures it is an African scammer also he is giving you the stories purely out of African scammers scripts.
      He says he is going to facetime.. he will only after he has his equipment set up so he can play you a video and make it look real.. it isn't.
      Two things you need to remember:
      Anyone that contacts you and claims military is fake.
      They are never allowed to tell you where they are deployed.
      They are not allowed to do it, they do not do it.
      ALL are criminals, thieves from West Africa using stolen pictures of MIlitary Personnel.

      They are sat full in front of the camera, as you are. They can answer your questions. Their mouth moves exactly to the words being said.
      A scammer's trick is to play a video on a laptop and point a phone at it. You think it's real as you see someone moving.
      They claim bad reception, bad line, not clear, no sound !

      I'm sorry but your 'Richard' does not exist.
