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Scam Haters United


Sunday, 31 December 2023

One Minute Warnings Of Ones to Watch ~ GREG GONZALEZ

One Minute Warnings Of
Ones to Watch

If you are contacted by these pictures you are not talking to the person in them.

You are talking to a scammer that has stolen them.

IS FAKE. Using the stolen 
pictures of Greg Gonzalez. 
+1 706 810 0395 (Google Voice) 

Says Peacekeeping off the 
'Cost of Mexico'! 

i meet this guy by the name of holly gonzalez off of a dating site around march 2019 and he talked about coming home to me and getting married. he tricked me in two sending him thousands of dollors and believing his lies. then my niece had a bad feeling about it and decided to do a little research and found this. then when I confronted him about it, he was done talking about it and didn't think it was gonna work out any longer. I told him to video chat and gave me excuses that it was two late. told me that his wife died of cancer and that his parents was gone and he was from new mexico. all the he had was his late uncle that died not to long ago. and is now saying that its all lies and it not true that he got injure in the air force and that he just wanted to get home. his number is a new jersey number and is +1 973 996 8012. PLEASE LADIES DONT FALL FOR THIS MAN AS FOR I JUST DID

Hola, les cuento estaba en una red social y una persona que se hace llamar Alex Reyes de Usa supuestamente militar y está en misión en el Cairo Egipto, dice que quiere conocaerme y tener una relación.... Que desea venir a conocerme pero debo ayudarle con los tiquetes aéreos mientras el Esta aquí con 1500 usd. Solicite su información y da lo siguiente:Name - NEADAL BASHIR FILEEN City - Cairo Country - Egypt Zipcode - 11311 usa el siguiente número de teléfono +20 101 561 6482.. obvio que es un farsante y quiere estafar.... Nada es tan fácil. Dejo está información por si sirve de alguna ayuda.
Anonymous21 June 2019 at 06:12
Hello, I tell you I was in a social network and a person who calls himself Alex Reyes de Usa supposedly military and is on a mission in Cairo Egypt, says he wants to meet me and have a relationship .... He wants to come to know me but I must help you with air tickets while he is here with 1500 usd. Request your information and give the following: Name - NEADAL BASHIR FILEEN City - Cairo Country - Egypt Zipcode - 11311 uses the following telephone number +20 101 561 6482 .. Obviously he is a fraud and wants to cheat .... Nothing is so easy. I leave this information in case it helps.

this guy contacted me on speaky, a language exchange social network, he made a short videocall on whatsapp with the number: (44)7770770496. We continued talking, the same bullshit of falling in love, getting married, so I came to the internet. Please be careful ladies!! The name he is using on Speaky is: Gonzalez C. and he says his name is Christian Gonzalez. He told a story about his parents died years ago, he's from Italy and a priest took him to USA and he only has his aunt who lives also in Miami. He sent lots of pictures and videos trying to prove he wasn't fake. If you found this, I'm glad you did! And thanks for the information above!!

This guy contacted me on instagram. I of course knew that he wasn't legit. I knew when ever he told me about him being in an air force staff sergeant he was fake. I went along with it, just to get him going, but he is now going by the name gregonze on instagram. I got him to send pictures so that I could research them later on, but he did provide a phone number. 6107138721. He asked for my personal number and I told him that I wouldn't be providing that information. I have reported him as well as another account I found when searching the pictures that where sent, but I can't remember the name. i reported it also. He gave me the story that his wife cheated on him and he only had his mom and sister. I have done a search on the phone number and it comes back from Pennsylvania as a verizon carrier with the name of Leonor.

Have been speaking from Instagram some one by Curtis Gonzalez email is curtizgonz2k@gmail stated his wife cheated on him and his parents are dead and that he is an engineer contractor is now in china wanted to me even offered to by me a plane ticket to china but when I started questioning him about his profile got upset the 631 number is in suffolk county ny Near where I am he has my cell phone number and looked up my address I asked him for an address stated he lives in Boston massachusetts but it was bogus and question him on that did speak to him on the phone and did hear a dog try to do face time but it looked like him but got cut off and he has an accent like middle eastern

I am speaking to a Tim Gonzalez using the same photos. I met him on a dating site he wanted to go to hangouts he says he is in Syria and he lost his mom and dad in a car wreck and he has his brother and he lives in Tennessee. I have his number as 631 403 023

I've been scammed by someone @MarkEga61040452 on Twitter used his pictures, His name Mark gonzalez use this email
He asked me to email his commander

He contacted me on Hinge which is the dating app. He is going by the name of Desmond Gonzalez Diego. The story is that his wife died 4 years ago of blood cancer and his mother, father, and brother died 7 years ago in a crash going to London.

He is using email as well as Hangouts number +17812879508. He initially contacted me on WhatsApp but said Hangouts was better.

He said he hasn't spoke to his daughter in sometime because she lost her phone and I offered to help. He said she lived with a Nanny in West Virginia and the Nanny does not contact him often.

He did scam me out of $1200 for a phone to his daughter.

Beware. He speaks good English and spoke of getting married soon. He wants his lawyer to draft up paperwork for it.

wilsongon01 on IG..he is on WhatsApp using +1 424 365 5542. He is saying his Name is Richard Gonzalez

He is on tinder, gonzalez, 41 using this phone number +1 (678) 718-5361 on WhatsApp. Told me he’s in Sudan, but based in Bristol UK which made me suspicious because there are no bases in Bristol! Then he said he has a 13 year old son who lives in the USA with a friend because his wife cheated on him and she now lives in Germany with her new man lol. Then he said he has close to $1 million left when his parents died... it sounded too good to be true given how gorgeous he is so when he said he had to go out on patrol I decided to google reverse search his picture and what do ya know! God same catfish if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then it’s a duck !!

Well heis now Ben gonzals, widowed and has a daughter in dubai because she is hunted by talibans. didnt ask for money yet but that must be coming. goes by email capbengonzales on gmail and is on +1(908)827-2144

he found me in a dating site and he is saying his name is David Gonzalez  +234 813 877 251

He messaged my mom as Dillard Arroyo Gonzalez and tried to scam my mom out of money luckily I saw through all his lies

why couldn't it be true..26 September 2018 at 05:54
He is now going by the name of "Brent Gibbs" and also has profiles on Facebook and Twitter under "Harry Gonzalez". He is also contacting through Gmail as and using google voice...yes, I had fallen for it until I did the reverse search on the photo's. {I can also say the person can write and speak in English very well}


  1. Hi
    He contacted me on 26th August and thank hod I never believed him. I have him as Philip Nash on instagram. Came up with stories that dont up about air force and grandma and money and all. I repreted him already .

    1. Do you think you could give me a Username for Instagram please,if it hasn't gone... we can get it removed.

    2. I have an IG username for him--or rather the person using him as a mask who contacted me a week or so ago as "Alex Gonzalez" on the dating app Hinge:

    3. Thank you so much for this, we will report it and it will be removed tonight. !

    4. Omg I got this Gonzalez Thompson on Kik 😣 his been saying we are gonna meet soon before xmast ....

    5. Well he will be grooming you and he will ask for money to come and meet you !! he's not real ! As you can see

    6. Hes now stevegonzalez419

    7. Bij mij is hij van de week binnen gekomen als lucas gonzalez en is in Afghanistan heeft een zoon van 14 James en zijn vrouw pamela is 4 jaar geleden overleden. Op instvstaat hij onder gonzelazlucas 3086

      Bedankt dat we het gerapporteerd en verwijderd krijgen.
      Iedereen die contact opneemt met Militair is nep.
      Ze mogen nooit een vreemdeling vertellen waar ze worden ingezet. Of waar
      ze worden ingezet.
      ALLEN zijn criminelen, dieven uit West-Afrika die gestolen foto's van militairen gebruiken.

  2. why couldn't it be true..26 September 2018 at 05:54

    He is now going by the name of "Brent Gibbs" and also has profiles on Facebook and Twitter under "Harry Gonzalez". He is also contacting through Gmail as and using google voice...yes, I had fallen for it until I did the reverse search on the photo's. {I can also say the person can write and speak in English very well}

    1. Thanks for the information.. yes, some of them are better in English. So glad you searched and found him. If it too good to be true.. then it probably is !

  3. This person is going by the name of gonzalezart90 on instagram. He messaged me and After endless “I can’t live without you and you are my true love” after talking to him for a couple of days I knew something was up. Thank you guys for posting about this scam. I did a reverse image and that how I verified he was a fake. Agreed with the person above, he speaks English very well. He is on gmail using The real owner of the pics is aware and has started tagging his own pictures to try and avoid scammers from stealing more.

  4. Wow this guy has been messaging me for 3 weeks on hangouts after finding me on IG. He’s sent me several pictures supposedly of his military camp, a video working out, and as I requested ͏On͏e of him holding a sign with my name on it, although it appears to be photoshopped. Also professed his love for me and talked about me moving to FL with him and getting married. Man knew he was too good too be true lol...

  5. He is also using IG account and contacts me from hangouts using ... I have found several other IG accounts as well one is philippnashh gateelijah ... I would like to see who the owner of the photos is ... I haven’t been able to track them down yet ... I haven’t found any tags or information such as this website. I thank you so much for putting this together now I can have some type of closure lol


      I can find these and I can get these reported and removed tonight..
      try this...

    2. Has anyone video chat with him?

    3. he video chatted my mother

    4. No.. he didn't. Scammers played a video.
      It was NOT him sat in front of a camera, her talking and him answering as in a normal chat.
      They play a video. So she sees him on there moving. There is always bad connection or some reason there is no sound or proper conversation.
      It isn't a video chat.

    5. Now his name is Smart Gregory Gonzalez and his email is

    6. Thank you.. posted the information where it can be searched and the profile has been removed !

    7. connects to pinterest and hangouts

    8. Have been speaking from Instagram some one by Curtis Gonzalez email is curtizgonz2k@gmail stated his wife cheated on him and his parents are dead and that he is an engineer contractor is now in china wanted to me even offered to by me a plane ticket to china but when I started questioning him about his profile got upset the 631 number is in suffolk county ny Near where I am he has my cell phone number and looked up my address I asked him for an address stated he lives in Boston massachusetts but it was bogus and question him on that did speak to him on the phone and did hear a dog try to do face time but it looked like him but got cut off and he has an accent like middle eastern

    9. Probably is Middle Eastern or maybe Indian??? Thanks or the information, there is video of Greg they do try to play for you but it is never a proper full face, seeing the words spoken video call. Thanks for the information.. and be careful. Too many scammers and the sadder the story.. the more they will push for money !

  6. why couldn't it be true4 October 2018 at 03:54

    Thank you so much for the update on this fake! I'm very glad to know the actual owner of the photo's has been notified. I had no idea how to even go about finding him to let him know when it happened to me. I only had a last name to go by!

    1. He keeps in touch through our Instagram page ! For someone this good looking !! he is as nice as he looks !

    2. what is the name of the real owner of these pictures ?

    3. Greg Gonzalez is his real name.

    4. Yes greg Gonzalez is his real name. He connected me a couple months ago with the name jonny Gonzalez. But I looked him up found his real Instagram page. And he got mad at me for calling him out on it.

  7. This morning he is John Goriola on Hinge! What a douchebag!

    1. and look on Instagram!!
      and Facebook !

      Thanks for these we will get them removed on Monday

  8. Fake account on Facebook he goes by David Fair now

    1. can you help with a link. I have found and reported a few of this name on there but not using Greg. If you can get me it then I can get it removed.Thank you

  9. Hello you can help me further I live in Germany and I have a Wilson Gonzalez on 23.10. written in Instagram and we write on WhatsApp, but I dare the whole thing is not that a fake account ???? please help me

    1. Exactly..FAKE ... they like to get you to Whatsapp as then they have your phone number.
      They scam all countries and use these pictures.

  10. He messaged my mom as Dillard Arroyo Gonzalez and tried to scam my mom out of money luckily I saw through all his lies

    1. Thanks for the new name they are using for him.
      SO glad you knew it was all a scam !

      found him, we will get it reported and removed on Monday.

      This one is busy.. thank you

  11. He is going by Dillard Gonzalez, possibly Dillard Arroyo Gonzalez. I just heard from and he was trying to scam me as well.

      found him, we will get it reported and removed on Monday.

      This one is busy.. thank you

    2. He did provide me with a bank account information; I don’t know how much this accurate to the real person but I would hate for the real person to get in trouble.

    3. The real person is not contacting anyone and is not giving bank account information to anyone and would never ask for money for anything.
      You have been scammed. Don't stay in the scam.

    4. He didn’t ask for money, but he did show me that he has $200,000 money in this account with this persons face. He gave me his login information.

    5. If this was in a fake banking website could you let me have the URL please as we have some success in getting these removed ! These are common in scammerland and they love to make it look as if your lover is is their god.

    6. He reaches me as Gregory james Gonzalez.. On ig he has that user gregoryjamesgonzalez now is gone and he text me on WhatsApp from this mumber +1 727 857 8158 saying he doesn't talk his mom 5years ago that he is in somalia. His wife cheated on him.. Asked me a card for Internet then when I said to him give me money and I'll buy it he said is ok I will ask another person. That he will go to US soon that he wants to marry me etc.. That is just hurtful.. I told him to gfhimself.. I have photos and screenshots.. He said someone hacked his ig and tries to impersonate him that indeed is the real him.. But he can't video chat while he is in Somalia

  12. He scammed me from this account

    1. sorry they got you but we will get this one reported and removed tonight.
      ALL who contact you and say military are fake... 100% of the time. Please don't answer them.

    2. You should look over MEETME I have a few fake profiles.

    3. Yes we know. It's flooded with ones of Greg and all the others used.
      Dating sites don't care !! There is money to be made.

  13. He’s on insta by the user a___gonz. I knew the minute he said hello my name is Adrián González he was fake. So I of course had to mess with him a minute or a week or so!

    1. Had he video chat anyone?

    2. There is stolen video of Greg.
      They play you a video.. it is NOT video chat. You don't talk and him answer and his lips move correctly.They play you a video and sometimes voice over the top and tell you that the reception is bad !

  14. he found me in a dating site and he is saying his name is David Gonzalez +++++++++++234 813 877 2510

    1. Thanks for the information. I have put it on the page we have of scammers,and their numbers !

      Glad you knew he was fake.

  15. Hello,
    He contacts me 2 months ago on instagram @williamshawz1010. He's name Gegor Gonzalez, he told me he loves me! He don't have any family! He also told me that he's is going on a war in iraq and he don't want to go, and he askes me to.write a mail to the general so he can leave the army...suspicious. I decided to google him and came true this page!

    1. I am so glad you did .. I also love the idea the General gets the email for getting them out of it.
      You know also, I hate the disrespect to the military.. send an email and get out of going to war.. just doesn't happen.
      Thanks for the information.

  16. Well heis now Ben gonzals, widowed and has a daughter in dubai because she is hunted by talibans. didnt ask for money yet but that must be coming. goes by email capbengonzales on gmail and is on +1(908)827-2144

    1. Take care and don't forget these are criminals...thanks for all the information.

  17. he is now on facebook,Foyer G. Gonzalez, Gonzalez Carlos, Andrew Gonzalez, Gonzalez Victor. the actual account doesnt have any details or images of the person.

  18. That poor guys name is on his uniform. the scammers are using all variations of the last name.

  19. I found this one and will get it removed tonight.
    The others.. if you can help with a link (under the three dots it says Copy Profile URL) we can get them removed THANK YOU


      These are still active. Thank you for what you are doing. without this site (the only scammer identification) we wouldnt realise this is a scam. i keep asking for selfies to check if he is true and he keeps sending me selfies. Keep the owner informed please.

    2. He knows and I am hoping that these will all be removed in a couple of hours. THANK YOU

    3. How can I get a hold of him so that he can tell my friend that she's being scammed? She remains unconvinced. Or I wonder if he can make a video denouncing the scam and saying he doesn't do this at all to anyone. I know it's not him but I want to make that irrefutable to my dear friend. Thank You

    4. It isn't really that fair to involve him and he has never had anything to do with the scams yet he gets hundreds of messages from women ever month.
      Making a video doesn't always work as scammers steal them and send them to women claiming look, it's the real them and they are telling you !

      there is a LOT of evidence around for Military Romance scams. LOTS and if her scammer won't make a direct to the camera video call then surely that tells her. There is no such thing as security reasons.

      ANY soldier if he is real can make a video call.. NO Soldier is contacting any women and telling them where they are deployed. She HAS to work this out but please.. Greg is a victim too... don't forget that.

  20. He is Gomez_sixtus on instagram. Says He's U.S. Air Force. Never video calls.

      Thanks for this.. I wish Instagram would remove our fakes..
      but they don't seem to want to any more... thanks for the information.

  21. He goes by andygonzalez91 in IG i knew something was not right lol

    1. Thanks for the information and so glad you knew something wasn't right

  22. He is on tinder, gonzalez, 41 using this phone number +1 (678) 718-5361 on WhatsApp. Told me he’s in Sudan, but based in Bristol UK which made me suspicious because there are no bases in Bristol! Then he said he has a 13 year old son who lives in the USA with a friend because his wife cheated on him and she now lives in Germany with her new man lol. Then he said he has close to $1 million left when his parents died... it sounded too good to be true given how gorgeous he is so when he said he had to go out on patrol I decided to google reverse search his picture and what do ya know! God same catfish if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then it’s a duck !!

    1. Oh yes and this one quacks on all levels. ! They should put
      Once Upon a Time on these stories they tell.. they are pure fairy tales and SO pleased you did that search.
      Thanks for all the information !

  23. Another Instagram greg_gonzalez27 fake profile

    Thank you.. we try to report them but it's sad that IG are not removing their fake accounts. But we keep trying.

  25. With me, his name is James Gonzalez, he is a soldier on a mission in Syria. His parents are dead, he has no real attachment. He wanted me to pay his ticket and his visa to join me in France for only $ 5,200. He is crazy... I made him understand that I did not have the means, he just asked me to buy him the last iPhone because saying it's the only one that works in Syria .... He took me for a jug...

    1. But you know why scammers are so many and get so far.. because you let them.
      At the first ask for money he should have been blocked.
      You are letting them go on and on and now a phone ! LEARN TO SAY NO AND DROP AND BLOCK... please !

  26. catfished me said he was in turkey and in the military. said he had a 10 yr old son. lives in los angeles and in the air force. dont fall for the scam. this guy is garbage.

    1. This guy is not garbage ! It's a scam and the scammer that has stolen his identity is the garbage ! Very sad people have to go through this and be hated for something they have no part in !
      Never accept anyone that says military... they are all fake.

  27. This is so bad ....What is real name on instagram ??

  28. He’s on friended under (joshyoung) looking for people, I reported but who knows if any action is done.. he’s on WhatsApp using these two numbers - 619-720-1643 and 619-720-0471. He’s saying his name is Wes Alex and sharing same old story as the rest.. I ghosted him and he texted me on the othe number.

  29. wilsongon01 on IG..he is on WhatsApp using +1 424 365 5542. He is saying his Name is Richard Gonzalez

      thank you for the information and we will keep reporting it until it is down !

  30. The real deleted his account

  31. The real Greg Gonzalez deleted his account

    1. I don't blame him and it's disgusting that he had to.
      People will not leave him alone.Why should he have to talk to anyone?
      He never started any of this.

    2. strange many have the same name of Greg Gonzalez on facebook with same pictures..

    3. Scammers use him everywhere.. really everywhere.

  32. Теперь его зовут Williams Bonzalez, но типа "служит" он все в той же Сирии, и да, родители мертвы, он разведен и ясное дело мечтает создать со мной семью.... Я почти сразу заподозрила аферу, но теперь я в этом убедилась, спасибо за информацию

    1. Добро пожаловать, и я рад, что вы искали и нашли. Никто из тех, кто говорит вам, что они военные, нигде не настоящие ... так что будьте очень осторожны.

  33. The real owner of his photo he deleted his account.Be careful

    1. Because his life was unbearable with hundreds of women contacting him ! Very sad.Scammers use him and women won't leave him alone.

  34. He's still active under the names Alex gonzalez,Charles juan gonzales and on fb Israel gonzales

    1. If you can help with a FB link we can get it removed.. thanks for the new names

  35. Dave_Greg25




      thank you for these.. we will get them reported and removed.

  36. Sixtus_greg
    Dave_Greg25 on Instagram


      we will try with these.. sometimes they will take them, sometimes not but we always ask

  37. I'm from Germany. he introduced himself as jonas levine. on instagram levinejonas ... i should buy itunes cards for 100 € because he is stationed in sudan as a soldier and could not buy any. For 3 days he tries this scam

    1. You know the first ask.. should be blocked !
      ALL who tell you military are fake and none need iTunes.

      We will report it and ask for it to be removed.

  38. He is now wesley on a dating app called blk gave me this number to whatsapp with a
    619720 number claims he is in the military in turkey but blk tells you how many miles a person is away from you it he was 300 kiles away from dallas so i googled his number and saw all these scam adds i already blocked him before he could ask for money smh i knew he was a scammer when he started telling me sad stories

    1. Thank you it's so good to hear someone say they blocked him as soon as they knew.. thanks for the informationl

  39. Iam talking to a Randy Gonzalez Instagram 2srdrandy60 he posting some of these pictures on Instagram not sure what he wants iam just wondering if you can help me find out if he is real

  40. Iam talking to Randy Gonzalez Instagram 2srdrandyg60he is posting these pictures on Instagram not sure what he wants wondering you could help me find out if he is the person who he says he is

  41. Iam talking to Randy Gonzalez Instagram 2srdrandyg60he is posting these pictures on Instagram not sure what he wants wondering you could help me find out if he is the person who he says he is

      we will report it. I don't know who the person you are talking to is but there is no such person as Randy Gonzalez if he is using these pictures !! You are being scammed.

  42. He contacted me on Hinge which is the dating app. He is going by the name of Desmond Gonzalez Diego. The story is that his wife died 4 years ago of blood cancer and his mother, father, and brother died 7 years ago in a crash going to London.

    He is using email as well as Hangouts number +17812879508. He initially contacted me on WhatsApp but said Hangouts was better.

    He said he hasn't spoke to his daughter in sometime because she lost her phone and I offered to help. He said she lived with a Nanny in West Virginia and the Nanny does not contact him often.

    He did scam me out of $1200 for a phone to his daughter.

    Beware. He speaks good English and spoke of getting married soon. He wants his lawyer to draft up paperwork for it.

    Stay away.

    1. You know that no soldier needs any money to buy anyone a phone.. they can buy them through the Army cheaper than you or I could.
      All the usual stories and I am so sorry they robbed you.
      Thanks for the information, it is very useful but know now !! There are millions of scammer fake profiles contacting like this.
      Never send money to anyone you have never met for whatever reason !

  43. Thanks. I knew something was fishy

  44. I was communicated Gregory Gonzalez
    So I was discavered his montages and I blocked him
    I said that, I was talking hating too much for him
    So Without damage from him I had.
    My gut feeling and action is right, I'm glad. In hindsight, I regret the waste of time spent with him, not the other way. I was able to avoid that he previously I was charged $ 950

    1. I am sorry they found you... but glad you found he is fake.
      NOBODY that contacts you and tells you they are military are ever real. They don't do it,they are not allowed to do it and none would ever tell
      you where they are deployed.

  45. Replies

  46. He now goes by Allen Gonzalez, he hasn't scam me anything but he says he lives in FL is in the air force and he says he loves me. I knew it was too good to be true. My instincts were correct. He was on Instagram as

    1. Thanks we will try and report but IG are very bad at removing their fakes.. but we always try ! yes.. just one look at him he doesn't need to be online looking for women ! Scammers can be stupid choosing impossible men !

  47. I am currently talking to him on tango known as kelvin john gon. He told his stories that he is a single father, son name Leo and his disabled cousin Coreen is taking care of his son. He said he is in Chad and his cousin w the son is in new york. Claims parents both passed and has a sister in mexico. Claims he cant get fundings out and needs help to get home to his son cuz his cousin cant take care of Leo. He wanted me to buy him a plane ticket back and stay w his son permanently in the states. He asked for $300 then $1000. Says he is in love w me and want to start a family and move to Cali (L.A.) he has two different accents. One spoken very well english and the other he has an accent. I called him out on it but he says someone is stealing his identity and that he is real. I told him i cant help him. I got his cousin snapchat by the name Coreen Guzman and his is kizzybenz. Uses numbers 2815726676 and cousin is 9142052510. He said he is fine that i dont send him money and that he wants to keep on talking to me. He sent me a video on snapchat w real voice i assume and he also left me a tango voicemail with an accent. He sent me a video and it sounded like he recorded over the actual video. He sent me an acct name:akintan adekunle faith. Acct number 3075617401. Bank name: firstbank bank address:1,royal road, idepe in okitipupa nigeria zip:350104 number:3075617401. He gave me an email: i hope this is enough info.

    1. It all helps a lot thanks so much... ALL profiles are teams and of course one of these is Akintan Adekunle Faith..There are a lot of pictures and videos of Greg around. Shame they are going to these lengths to get money.
      Interesting the two scammers contacting and making it so obvious with one good English and one not.
      Thank you.

  48. He contact me through tango currently. By the name of john kelvin gon. He sent me acct numbers and etc. I still have them saved. He told me to send money to Account Name::AKINTAN ADEKUNLE FAITH

    Account number::3075617401

    Bank name:::FIRSTBANK

    Bank address::1, Royal Road, Idepe, Okitipupa, Nigeria

    Zip code::350104. Snapchat:kizzzybenz and his cousin name coreen : coreen guzman. Phone number:2815726671 coreen:9142052510. Claims his son is 12 name leo and live in N.Y w coreen. He is a military man and sent to Chad. Wants me to help him get back to states cuz he cant use his card in Chad.

  49. He contact me through tango currently. By the name of john kelvin gon. He sent me acct numbers and etc. I still have them saved. He told me to send money to Account Name::AKINTAN ADEKUNLE FAITH

    Account number::3075617401

    Bank name:::FIRSTBANK

    Bank address::1, Royal Road, Idepe, Okitipupa, Nigeria

    Zip code::350104. Snapchat:kizzzybenz and his cousin name coreen : coreen guzman. Phone number:2815726671 coreen:9142052510. Claims his son is 12 name leo and live in N.Y w coreen. He is a military man and sent to Chad. Wants me to help him get back to states cuz he cant use his card in Chad.

  50. I am currently talking to him as I type this, and he admitted to me he was fake.
    He messaged me on POF, and then asked if we could chat on Kik. He's going by the name James Gonzalez.

    1. Please block it.. the confession is common and think of Greg and how badly he is used !! Thank you

  51. Currently talking to him on hangouts goes by the name of James robert marion he came to me via Facebook and convinced me his girlfriend died in car crash and but then told me a similar story days later but used a different name for his girlfriend, asked me to purchase icards for him but things started to stack against him and I'm researching scammers to find him here. Listen to the gut feeling is always right.

    1. Our advice is to come off Hangouts if you can. It is the worst place online for scammers and you will be scammed constantly on there. They gather their victims there to keep it easier for the. Calling you 'babe', 'honey'then they don't get names wrong, much easier for them. NOBODY real is contacting anyone else on HANGOUTS it is Scammer's Paradise .. be very careful.

      Yes.. your gut feeling is ALWAYS right !

  52. Talking to Randy Gonazalez on Instagram he is posting all of the pictures off of Greg Gongz21 tells me he is Greg twin brother! Ask for money for food! Using these names to send money Ibrahim Sunday,Abiodun Tajudeen and Sandra Boyd! Account no 0137399559,0149830770 to send money too!He also has a good friend that goes by David Watson Castro that he uses on his comments on his Instagram to help make people think he is for real Greg!all he after is money! He always is changing is profile name all the time he put numbers and letter in front of his name these are some of his names he uses 0srdrandy60,2srdrandyg60,0d.2srandyg60,00.2srdrandyg60,t0.2srdrandy60,0rdg1!phone number on hangouts is 5418330509 email is! He will not video chat he is in the Army for 14 yrs never married no children is always talking about the bible! He is scamming people! His Instagram needs to be removed so all of his followers will not be scammed! He has figured out that I know he is a scammer and has threaten me for money! I have blocked him!

    1. Thank you I have recorded all the info and will post it all.. in all of this I can't find his CURRENT username! Sorry, can you help with that please. and THANK you for all of this, it is very useful.

  53. Esta es una cuenta falsa, en Instagram, me envío mensaje diciendo que estaba en Siria y que había dejado a su hijo solo en Atlanta-EUA porque estaba divorciado y que su ex mujer le había sido infiel. Que se sentía mal y por eso buscaba amigos para hablar, por supuesto me di cuenta de inmediato que era falso porque tenía pocas fotos y pocos seguidores y empecé a buscar para ver si encontraba las fotos que tenía en su perfil y llegué a esta página, su nombre de usuario en Instagram es gonzelasgreen360, este es el link directo a su perfil

  54. Richard_crane463 get this guy!

    thank you and we will report it to IG too !

    thanks for all the information. They only one I know I can get removed is the FB one. But we will try with the IG one too.
    I will record all the info

  57. I've been scammed by someone @MarkEga61040452 on Twitter used his pictures, His name Mark gonzalez use this email
    He asked me to email his commander about his flash, he said he took it from him when he catches him. Phone me through hangout He asked for money 350$ to notice me in his bass as one of his family . I sent the money to bank in usa north Carolina I forgot the name of tge sender i only was able to send 200$ He said his parents is dead. He said he is going to mission in Syria now . But unfortunately i found you and i check Instagram account.. It's sad to found the truth.. I started following the real one.. Sorry for Gregory Gonzalez... I showed him my support there as i tried to send him these info but he doesn't reply my message.. I'm happy to see tge real person.
    It's pain to get hurt and scam

    Please report theses emails i did too.

    1. He won't reply as he gets hundreds of messages every day and he simply can't reply ! He is busy with his job and this puts a lot of strain on them.
      I am SO glad you searched and found and yes it is pain... what type of scumbag human does this to another just out of greed.. scammers are the lowest humans on earth
      Thanks for the information


  59. We will try to report it.. I just wish Instagram took it's fakes.. they are not good at that. Thanks so much for the information.

  60. Donnie Gonzalez
    added me yesterday or the day before yesterday...38 years old...single..we chatted for several hours...same story...Iraq...Said he couldn't do a video call...he sent me a picture

  61. take reports from everywhere we will report thank you

  62. I am speaking to a Tim Gonzalez using the same photos. I met him on a dating site he wanted to go to hangouts he says he is in Syria and he lost his mom and dad in a car wreck and he has his brother and he lives in Tennessee. I have his number as 631 403 0234

    1. Thank you for the information.
      NOBODY that contacts you and says they are military are ever real. They are not allowed to do it and they don't do it.

      NEVER GO TO HANGOUTS.. it is the place where scammers gather their victims when they have hunted them in other places

      Please now drop and block ! Greg is used too much and is too nice person for this to happen to, he is really tired of this happening to him. I am glad you searched and found the information

  63. This man found me on tiktok and started messaging me on hangouts! IM HAPPY I DID NOT FALL FOR THE BS!

  64. This guy contacted me on instagram. I of course knew that he wasn't legit. I knew when ever he told me about him being in an air force staff sergeant he was fake. I went along with it, just to get him going, but he is now going by the name gregonze on instagram. I got him to send pictures so that I could research them later on, but he did provide a phone number. 6107138721. He asked for my personal number and I told him that I wouldn't be providing that information. I have reported him as well as another account I found when searching the pictures that where sent, but I can't remember the name. i reported it also. He gave me the story that his wife cheated on him and he only had his mom and sister. I have done a search on the phone number and it comes back from Pennsylvania as a verizon carrier with the name of Leonor.

    1. gregonze I can't find this?? Was there any more? Those numbers are available on APPS providing cyber numbers and so they don't really give any geographical significance. The wife cheating is a very common story.. they don't have many variations ! Glad you knew ! thanks for the phone number he gace

  65. He was on Instagram as Gregory Gonzalez until last night. The number provided was ‭(580) 448-4798‬. He text from Syria. Opened a Skype account to try to prove my suspensions in corrected. Said his parents died and an uncle raised him. Never been married but his ex cheated on him with his best friend. Video called on Skype but it dropped after a minute of it freezing up. I didn’t hear him speak but he focused on the fake that he tried & that should ease suspicions. I sent him the YouTube link asking wtf. He got angry and deleted the IG, offered no explanation other than he was going to tell me in person, then said I didn’t deserve an explanation. Said he didn’t ask for money like a scammer would and he won’t call ever again because that’s what started this problem. live:b3bf5831410e58bc Is Skype name

  66. this guy contacted me on speaky, a language exchange social network, he made a short videocall on whatsapp with the number: (44)7770770496. We continued talking, the same bullshit of falling in love, getting married, so I came to the internet. Please be careful ladies!! The name he is using on Speaky is: Gonzalez C. and he says his name is Christian Gonzalez. He told a story about his parents died years ago, he's from Italy and a priest took him to USA and he only has his aunt who lives also in Miami. He sent lots of pictures and videos trying to prove he wasn't fake. If you found this, I'm glad you did! And thanks for the information above!!

    1. I am so glad you searched and found it... Speaky has a big problem with scammers. and yes the stories are always the same, thank you very much for the information. It all really helps.

    2. He contacted me through Instagram, after chatting suggested to continue via Hangout. He's Pedro Gonzalez / @air_pedro82 /

      According to him, grew up in a foster home in Mexico. Moved to the US to join the army. Didnt had any family. He's one smooth talker. He tried to vid chat twice but i couldnt hear a single thing he was saying. I found out is when one of the photos he sent has a tagged on it @greggonz21 on it. Didnt think he realise the mistake.

      Anyways i'm glad i found this page.

    3. I am glad you found us ! Thanks for all the information... posted it and reported the fake account and recorded the email used.. thank you

    4. I have the same story like this, definitely same. But he made videocall on hangouts within email then he told that his first unit is in UK then move to US. thanks for the informations above!

  67. Hola, les cuento estaba en una red social y una persona que se hace llamar Alex Reyes de Usa supuestamente militar y está en misión en el Cairo Egipto, dice que quiere conocaerme y tener una relación.... Que desea venir a conocerme pero debo ayudarle con los tiquetes aéreos mientras el Esta aquí con 1500 usd. Solicite su información y da lo siguiente:Name - NEADAL BASHIR FILEEN City - Cairo Country - Egypt Zipcode - 11311 usa el siguiente número de teléfono +20 101 561 6482.. obvio que es un farsante y quiere estafar.... Nada es tan fácil. Dejo está información por si sirve de alguna ayuda.

    1. Gracias y me alegro de que supiera que todo era falso ... la información es muy útil, gracias

    2. В твиттере он как Muller27061087

  68. i was going through the scamhaters site. it is very sickening what these people are doing. I guess i'm one of the lucky ones because i realize it was all bullshit. The stories just doesnt add up. Anyways i manage to fine a few accounts with @greggonz21 display pic.

    I need try to report to instagram but they replied with the message,
    'While we have reviewed the account you reported for impersonation and found it does not violate our community guidelines'

    So hopefully by dropping a message here, we're able to stop this scammers.

    @dave_greg1 (David Gonz)
    @dave_greg25 (David Gregory)
    @sir.grey.7739 (Gregory Gonzalez)
    @air_pedro82 (Pedro Gonzalez)

    Thank you and good luck everyone! stay safe


    We will try.. we do report all to Instagram but they are negligent in removing those they are told are fake and scams. We report direct to them, Facebook are receptive.. IG are not. BUT these are on our list for today and we will try our very hardest !

  70. He is going by Greg Paul on Juamo. There are so many scammers or there, I figured I'd look him up. Thank goodness he's blocked now!

    1. NOt an App I was aware off until now THANK YOU


    Here he is again...

  72. My friend got in contact with him over Instagram. His name is towardtyler01 en told my friend he was staying in a military base in The Netherlands. That his daughter was with his Nanny in Texas and his wife died in a plane crash a couple of years ago. THANK GOD i did a Google Image search and found this page. The number he uses is +1 347 579 0478

    He said his name was Alex Tyler Gonzalez.

    1. We will report this. Thank you for searching and finding and for leaving the information

  73. Got fooled by this guy under the Name of Michael Lebrun Gonzalez on GrindR.
    Said born on 15.8.1977 US Airforce currently in Syria. Send picture of an ID Card as approval.

    Wants to visit Germany.

    Try to fool with fake Webside after sending his personal stuff.

    Personal stuff ist claimed to be on hold by custom and you get asked to pay the customs.

    Transportr company is FMXD-Logistic (

    Yoi can use Tracking No 2177901 or any up and below that number. All Parcels from different Scammers got on hold by the customs (so the webside say. But this are all fake entries.

    A Whois on this domain shows that it was first published in May / 2019.

    Never thougt i would tget trapped like this.

    Sorry for my englisch as its niot my native language (I'm German)

    1. Thank you for the information and there are hundreds of fake shipping websites. Be careful as Grindr is stuffed full of scammers using all the same soldier they do for romance scams for women. Thanks for sending the ID card to the page.. I have it now. I am sorry they got you BUT now you nad PLEASE tell others.

    2. But no good spreading the pictures of Greg all over.. Please don't... he is a victim too. You are scammed once and these men, these HUMAN BEINGS, are abused a thousands times a day... so please.. respect his rights too.. HELP US TO FIFHT SCAMMERS AND PROTECT THE MEN USED AND THE MEN SCAMMED.

  74. Adittional infos to my previous post.:

    He is using Business Whatsapp with the connected number: +1 (713) 766-8462

    If you want I can provide additional pictures ...

    1. We have a lot on
      and I am very aware Greg is a human who didn't choose for all his life to be scattered around like this but you can send to
      Thaks for the number they use.

  75. i meet this guy by the name of holly gonzalez off of a dating site around march 2019 and he talked about coming home to me and getting married. he tricked me in two sending him thousands of dollors and believing his lies. then my niece had a bad feeling about it and decided to do a little research and found this. then when I confronted him about it, he was done talking about it and didn't think it was gonna work out any longer. I told him to video chat and gave me excuses that it was two late. told me that his wife died of cancer and that his parents was gone and he was from new mexico. all the he had was his late uncle that died not to long ago. and is now saying that its all lies and it not true that he got injure in the air force and that he just wanted to get home. his number is a new jersey number and is 19739968012. PLEASE LADIES DONT FALL FOR THIS MAN AS FOR I JUST DID

    1. Greg is one of the nicest guys you will ever know and it's so sad this happens to him and he hates it.
      I am so sad they got you adn they got anything from you. Your niece did well, thank you !!
      A rule to remember online:
      ALL who contact you and say they are military are FAKE and scammers looking for money, goods or gift cards. The Military are not allowed to contact strangers and they don't do it. None of the could ever tell you where they are deployed.

      Thanks for the information and now block it and get away. Watch for recover scams which are common where they say they willn get your money back... of course for a fee ! Nobody can do that, it is a further scam. Keep well away....

    2. I met this guy at the dating site Tagged, named as Henry I. and using Greg Gonzalez photos.
      We spent around 2 months talking in Whatsapp, he said he was a pilot from Washington DC, and works with goverment agents flying them within the USA, and also trains new pilots. he came out with the story that he wanted to visit me to my country because I am not in US and he proposed me the deal of me buying the flight ticket and he would pay the hotel. But we would need to send the money to his "travel agent" so he/she makes all the arrangements. I was really into this guy, very nice, 100% a gentleman, loving, caring, everything that makes a woman to fall, he had it. One day, I was suspicious because of her insisting too much about the date when I´d be able to send the money, so I asked him to send me a voice message so I can hear his voice, what he did, but I knew there was something wrong because he got a strong accent, like russian, so I started to look in Google images for his photos and that way I found out that these photos had been stolen from Greg. The number this guy was using 856-442-9893 and the name and address where I had to send the money is, attention Phillisha Brown, Wellington Florida, 33414, USA. Girls, don´t make bad comments in Greg´s pages, he´s only a victim as we are too. Let´s speak up for the real thieves. Bless

  76. Greg added me on Instagram yesterday. Said he was based in West Africa but couldn't talk about his work until we met!
    Said he was divorced as wife cheated on him, no kids.
    He sent me some pictures which made me suspicious as he's a good looking guy & only 34, so why you messaging me!
    Sent lengthy messages about he's feelings, how he misses me, loves me!
    Today I thought I'd google him & came across this site!
    I feel sorry for the real Greg & all the others that are being scammed!

    1. Can you give me the username they used with you on IG please... yes, it's horrible them being so used. When we find the fake ones we get them removed so would you mind helping with this one please !

  77. Nu staat hij op insta gonzalezstewart155 en go.2165 nu staat erbij dat hij trotse vader is... Hij gaf bij mij aan in kabul te zitten... En geld nodig had voor zijn verzorgingpakket. Toen ik hem doorhad ging hij over naar een ander account...


    Hij is er alleen tot morgen wanneer hij wordt gemeld en verwijderd! Dank je

  79. We were matched on CoffeeMeetsBagel early August- he uses his name "William" with following details (already reported):
    - Location: Yokohama, Japan
    - Job: Data center engineer, ICT
    - School: NEW York City College of Technology

    He soon asked to move things to LINE (Japanese version of whatsapp) under the ID name "willgonzaez". His email address he gave me was ""

    His storyline was that his mom (born in Barcelona) who married his dad in NYC who got divorced and now have moved to Yokohama Japan where she remarried a Japanese gentlemen for 15yrs now- saying his mom really wants him to start a relationship with a Japanese person after he retires from the air force very soon. He said he was deployed in Afghanistan with overdue R&R that he needs to take, but also is up for the 10yr service for retirement in Jan 2020, but wanted to get early and start his own gym in NYC.

    I grew up in the air force system myself so there were things that he said that just didn't make sense in the very early days and once he started talking about money (not directly asking me to send it at this point), I knew this was a scam- and at this point I had found this website as well. I was just curious to see how things played out and how far he went, so I continued chatting with him after that.

  80. (con't)
    Few interesting things I found over the course of time:
    - LINE is widely used by Japanese or people residing in Japan, and I figured he has is because of his mom that lives in Japan. But he said she doesn't use LINE- they only communicate via email or phone. He doesn't talk to anyone else but myself on LINE, so why would he have LINE was the first suspicion I had...
    - He said his birthday was Sept 1st and as I really didn't care and I was busy, i didn't text him at all till he sent me a text saying how sad he was that he didn't wake up to a happy birthday text from me. Way to guilt trip someone. But more interestingly, i asked him to send a picture of him celebrating with his buddies, he actually did send me pictures that looked rather genuine.

    - His "aunt" that lives in Florida and has diabetes was told she needs to get surgery, so his mom went to visit her from Japan at the end of August- he was so worried because he couldn't get in touch with his mom whether it be via phone or email, and he was getting really worried. His mom who talks to him every week hadn't emailed him or anything even after 3 weeks of his birthday. I mean... come on! Who doesn't text / emails her own son on his birthday? I didn't realize US didn't have internet access... ugh. But he's so good to make it sound so genuine, so I played along. ...Now, I have a background in medicine so the symptoms he was saying and the procedures that his aunt needed to get made absolutely no sense. Well, good enough for someone with no idea, but medically speaking, crappy story.

    - Over 1.5mo of chatting constantly, day and night, he used the word "babe" 486 times. Now, that's a dedication.

    - After a week of chatting, he was saying how happy he was and that he doesn't use the online dating app any more since he's so happy to be chatting with me, and he feels so happy to see my texts when he wakes up in the morning.

    - He was saying how he constantly misses me, wants to be with me, meet me in person (which he described as "a dream come true"), and build a future together, start a family. I just said "That's nice" and never really agreed nor denied, and he often got "upset" that I'm not on the same page with him. I told him upfront how could he be so sure when we never even chatted over the phone nor met in person- and yet I am not on the same page with him. He was playing the sensitive guy card.

    - You can tell he's not intelligent- or intelligent enough to fake his dumbness as his grammar etc was far off.

    - The "gym" he wanted to start in NYC... i asked about the details and what makes it different from other gyms, to which he said "More facilities and more time dedication". He had NO plans. The more I asked, he came up with such an obscure answer.

    - During the time we talked, that's when terrorist attacks were happening in Kabul. He was less available as he had longer hours, night patrol, and things are getting so tense etc, and his texting patterns were really in sync with the current events. At this time I started thinking this scammer is not as dumb as I think... (well he is scamming so many people seems like, so i guess he is smart...)

  81. (con't)
    So how things ended for "us".

    He said they are having combat training and during the ropes course, he fell and his phone screen shattered. He said the phone is charging but it gets super hot so he may not have access to the phone- hence said he needs to either fix it, which he went and asked a officer how much it'll be. He said it'll cost him $900 to fix, and $1200 if he wants to get a new iPhone. He allegedly said he only had $200 with him and don't know what to do especially as his mother is MIA for few weeks. He asked me if I'd help while apologizing if he's asking for too much, to which i first asked him if he didn't have any friends in real life that he can talk to- of course he said I'm the only one that he talks to. He can't borrow money from his coworkers- they don't have money. I basically said "no way". I told him I don't even lend money to my best friend so why would I give money to someone that i have never even met or engaged. He said "I understand" and didn't text me rest of the day. Next day he texted me "Hey babe" asking me how I'm doing and i was just being distant and cold by saying "Hey" and after that, nothing. I guess he quickly picked up that I won't be convinced... this ended last week.

    Anyways, it was a good experience and experiment for me as I simply wanted to see this thing through, and wanted to share my story here to share with others that have been attempted to be scammed by this same person.

    I feel bad for the guy who's picture is being randomly abused by this scammer, and I only hope no more ladies will be a victim of this scammer...

  82. Thank you very much for all the information, it's so useful to help inform others and also I am pleased you searche and knew. ! Thank you

    1. My pleasure. I wrote too long so sent it in 3 parts but the last 2 didn't get posted... So let me try and post it as a reply...

      Few interesting things I found over the course of time:
      - LINE is widely used by Japanese or people residing in Japan, and I figured he has is because of his mom that lives in Japan. But he said she doesn't use LINE- they only communicate via email or phone. He doesn't talk to anyone else but myself on LINE, so why would he have LINE was the first suspicion I had...
      - He said his birthday was Sept 1st and as I really didn't care and I was busy, i didn't text him at all till he sent me a text saying how sad he was that he didn't wake up to a happy birthday text from me. Way to guilt trip someone. But more interestingly, i asked him to send a picture of him celebrating with his buddies, he actually did send me pictures that looked rather genuine.

      - His "aunt" that lives in Florida and has diabetes was told she needs to get surgery, so his mom went to visit her from Japan at the end of August- he was so worried because he couldn't get in touch with his mom whether it be via phone or email, and he was getting really worried. His mom who talks to him every week hadn't emailed him or anything even after 3 weeks of his birthday. I mean... come on! Who doesn't text / emails her own son on his birthday? I didn't realize US didn't have internet access... ugh. But he's so good to make it sound so genuine, so I played along. ...Now, I have a background in medicine so the symptoms he was saying and the procedures that his aunt needed to get made absolutely no sense. Well, good enough for someone with no idea, but medically speaking, crappy story.

      - Over 1.5mo of chatting constantly, day and night, he used the word "babe" 486 times. Now, that's a dedication.

      - After a week of chatting, he was saying how happy he was and that he doesn't use the online dating app any more since he's so happy to be chatting with me, and he feels so happy to see my texts when he wakes up in the morning.

      - He was saying how he constantly misses me, wants to be with me, meet me in person (which he described as "a dream come true"), and build a future together, start a family. I just said "That's nice" and never really agreed nor denied, and he often got "upset" that I'm not on the same page with him. I told him upfront how could he be so sure when we never even chatted over the phone nor met in person- and yet I am not on the same page with him. He was playing the sensitive guy card.

      - You can tell he's not intelligent- or intelligent enough to fake his dumbness as his grammar etc was far off.

      - The "gym" he wanted to start in NYC... i asked about the details and what makes it different from other gyms, to which he said "More facilities and more time dedication". He had NO plans. The more I asked, he came up with such an obscure answer.

      - During the time we talked, that's when terrorist attacks were happening in Kabul. He was less available as he had longer hours, night patrol, and things are getting so tense etc, and his texting patterns were really in sync with the current events. At this time I started thinking this scammer is not as dumb as I think... (well he is scamming so many people seems like, so i guess he is smart...)

    2. Part 3:

      So how things ended for "us".

      He said they are having combat training and during the ropes course, he fell and his phone screen shattered. He said the phone is charging but it gets super hot so he may not have access to the phone- hence said he needs to either fix it, which he went and asked a officer how much it'll be. He said it'll cost him $900 to fix, and $1200 if he wants to get a new iPhone. He allegedly said he only had $200 with him and don't know what to do especially as his mother is MIA for few weeks. He asked me if I'd help while apologizing if he's asking for too much, to which i first asked him if he didn't have any friends in real life that he can talk to- of course he said I'm the only one that he talks to. He can't borrow money from his coworkers- they don't have money. I basically said "no way". I told him I don't even lend money to my best friend so why would I give money to someone that i have never even met or engaged. He said "I understand" and didn't text me rest of the day. Next day he texted me "Hey babe" asking me how I'm doing and i was just being distant and cold by saying "Hey" and after that, nothing. I guess he quickly picked up that I won't be convinced... this ended last week.

      Anyways, it was a good experience and experiment for me as I simply wanted to see this thing through, and wanted to share my story here to share with others that have been attempted to be scammed by this same person.

      I feel bad for the guy who's picture is being randomly abused by this scammer, and I only hope no more ladies will be a victim of this scammer...

  83. Thank you for all of this and it is so helpful to everyone.
    486 times he didn't need to remember your name !
    Thing is with a scammer nobody has this much crisis in their lives.. or needs money quite so often. Or will be low enough to ask someone for it !

    THANK YOU... He will be back, it is their way. They won't stop this until you do !

    Thankful for this site/post. Got messaged by this profile. Although, I've been online long enough, to already be wary based on some tells.


  86. thank you it will be reported and removed today

  87. now pretend to be claire phil
    on instagram it comes out as: clarphil67
    I already reported the account.
    block that account

    it will be removed on Monday, thank you

  89. Yeah, right now his Picture be using on the Facebook again. It's name is: Chris Morgan Mills , he add me on the facebook and told me he devorced with ex wife 2 year ago. He want marry with me and let have baby.That weird!!!
    So please report that account, i don't want they lies some girls again
    Hope all girls don't be silly to fall in love easy with scammer like this

  90. Don't accept a friend request from a stranger and remember the best truth on FB..
    ANYONE that contacts and claims Military is fake.
    They are not allowed to do it and don't do it.
    ALL are criminals, thieves from West Africa using stolen pictures
    of Military personnel.
    Love words for money.
    It will be reported and removed later today ! thank you

  91. How can we add more photos being used. Can you report this on the sites he is using? I found him on chispa. He also sends photos of a kid saying is his son. Asking for money via cash app using bitcoin!! Watch out!!

  92. We have many of Greg and 'he' isn't using them, scammers have stolen them and we have enough to identify him! He is a human with feelings !
    𝑨𝑵𝒀𝑶𝑵𝑬 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒎𝒔 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒌𝒆. 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅.
    𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒐 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒅𝒐 𝒊𝒕.
    𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑾𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑨𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒂 𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏 𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
    𝒐𝒇 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒍.

  93. Его имя в инстаграме Derrick mark 2222

  94. Его имя в инстаграме как Derrick mark 2222

  95. Я не могу найти его, используя это .. Можете ли вы помочь с тем, как это написано, пожалуйста

  96. Значит он больше туда не заходит. Последний раз он писал мне от туда

  97. Он больше не заходит на эту страницу в инстаграме

  98. Вы никогда не говорили с ним, вы говорили с мошенниками, говоря вам, что это он, и рассказывая истории

  99. He is now going by the name of Sammy Gonzalez. My mom is too blind to see that he’s fake. I’ve given her this website and all the facts about people who scam as military personnel. She’s sent him way over $600 and he keeps feeding into it. She’s blind and won’t take advice from an 18 year old. How do I get her to stop? They met online.. not sure what site. They contact on Hangout. He’s had 2 accounts deactivated and the new one doesn’t have a number or a email linked, it just shows his name.


      May I speak to her or can you get her to come to our FB page.. on to Messages.. the Instagram page and ask for Jo, who knows him very well (Greg) or
      Hangouts is the worst place online for scammers ! She needs to be got away ! We would like to try and help

    2. He goes by Zachary Alejandro on Instagram he started talking to me in March

    3. I can't find it as Zachary Alejandro so if it is still there and it has a username could you send it please

  100. He goes by Zachary Alejandro on Instagram started talking to me in March

  101. I wrote you an email. This person was gregoryjamesgonzalez on ig until today the number is +1 727 857 8158 I sent you the screenshots. Does the real one has instagram? He said he was hacked.asked me to be his wife .. No caigan en esta estafa me pidió una tarjeta para conectarse le dije que me mandara el dinero para comprarla dijo que le pediría a otra persona que se la comprara. Después siguió escribiéndome diciéndome que se quería casar conmigo etc.. Que lo engañaron que no es infiel etc.. He deleted the ig today while I was trying to report it

    1. I found this which I will report.. and yes Greg does have an IG.
      I don't think he deleted I think we probably did.. as we do many every day using Greg.
      ANYONE that claims to be Military is never real.

      They are not allowed to do it and they do not do it.

      Every time someone says they are military, it is a scammer from

      West Africa with love words.

      They WILL ask for cards and/ or cash


      thanks for the information

  102. he all so looked me up on tic tock he going under REYES he all so hit me up on whatsapp phone number he useing is 18564787104 he ask for a pic of my ID wrong one to ask be careful he has sad story

    1. thank you very much for the information! They are flooding Tik tock now !
