Estrada Molina Mario FAKE PROFILE
Works at U.S. Army
Lives in Damascus, Syria
From Houston, Texas
Please don't forget that 100% of profiles that contact women on the internet are FAKE.
Please don't forget that 100% of profiles that contact women on the internet are FAKE.
Notice iglesiasantoral.joseba in the title... he may have been someone else ! Iglesias joseba ?
This is a particularly sick character. Sends pictures of ISIS killings claiming it's all part of the work he is doing.
This is a particularly sick character. Sends pictures of ISIS killings claiming it's all part of the work he is doing.
Of course he has a daughter.... haven't they all !!! Many pictures of the man and his daughter. Hate them using children !
He asks for money to 'buy his leave' a very common scam story. THE US MILITARY DO NOT EVER NEED TO BUY THEIR LEAVE.
Email= State military department .. This is where you are asked to send the email. (IN reality this is a free email service nothing to do with government or military.)
This is the email he asked her to copy as if it came from her and send it for him....
This is the email he asked her to copy as if it came from her and send it for him....
Dear Sir/madam*************************
I am the fiancee of Mr Estrada Molina Mario with recruit code 4657 RG. Who is currently in Syria for peace keeping mission. I am writing to apply for his vacation leave on his behalf because of our marriage which is fast approaching,my family needs to interview him on the kind of marital life he wants to live with me as a husband which is necessary in our culture. My family need his presence to enable us have a better plan towards our marriage. I will be glad if this application is granted in your good office. I look forward to have positive response to my application.
Thank you
Yours faithfully
Now this man is a charmer and believable. Remember it isn't the nice looking man in the pictures. It is a scammer sat in Africa chatting you up so you'll get sucked in and send him money.
Along with the photo's of himself and a child he sent pictures of bodies killed by ISIS and war pictures. Now.. one thing you can be sure, the coward that is the creep behind this profile has never been to Syria or done an honest day's work in his life. I have the ISIS pictures but I won't be displaying them here.
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