Scam Haters United

Friday, 24 June 2016

Thomas Earl Curry.. now in Nigeria...

Thomas Earl Curry .. FAKE PROFILE

Lives in Kabul, AfghanistanDivorcedFrom Cary, North Carolina

Now please listen because Poor old Thomas Earl has a real problem ! 

He was born Feb 16th 1963 in New York, Florida. He is a widow (AAhhh... poor man) He put Divorced on the profile so can't make his mind up !

Now he has to go to Africa to train soldiers to fight Boko Haram (but keep that secret as no one has to know!).

Anyway.. he doesn't want to stay in the horrible Nigerian camp... he wants money sent to Nigeria so he can afford to stay in a house... he has no other money over there.

He has to go to Asia for 2 weeks then he will move on to Nigeria.

He has received an email from his 'clerk'
''Mr obi: boss I know you are a good man,please try and get the money from your wife today,my wife is gonna die if I don't pay up,please I need my money''

The reply wasn't really sympathetic and this annoyed Thomas just a little...........

I will never forgive u 
I hate u 
Tell them you are a wolf in sheep clothing 
But u care about other people losing their lives when u can actually save them? 
I can't imagine I was so madly drunk inlove with you that I willed all my properties of over 40million in your name 
U can't spare even a 100 to save a life? 
Its better to have a black skinned nigerian girl than have a white lady with an evil heart 
So u expect her to die at the hospital 
No wonder u haven't found true love because u are wicked,harsh,calous and selfish 
I won't rest in heaven if a woman like u gets all my properties 
I will put up my laptop for sale and save her life
Whatever will these come up with next..... this supposedly rich man with 40million in properties hasn't $100 to give to his clerk and needs sell his laptop! (he doesn't actually state what the 40 million is?? Not brain cells that's for sure)

They don't even stop to think if they sound real !!! THIS ONE DOESN'T ! 


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