Scam Haters United

Thursday, 27 April 2017



  • Sniper at US Army Military District of Washington
  • Infantry at U.S. Army Engineer Regiment
  • Studied at UCCS
  • Went to University of Illinois at Chicago Counseling Center Psychology Internship



Eric Mathew,
Robert Hill Fair..
!!! All times he has been used and these are only three... we have many and there are hundreds around of him.


As of yesterday January 23,2022 he is going by Mark Scott Williams. Military Power on Hangouts.

I have had the pleasure of "meeting" his Alter Ego miller John (Marcus Miller John from San Antonio Texas to be precise).
He is getting sloppy tho... or he is just a little dumb? He makes a lot of mistakes nowadays. Of course being findable on a google picture search is not very smart, I would check that sort of thing before I's use the same pictures again. But here are my findings:

- Profile created 2 days before adding me
- No friends on his fb
- His fb wall is build up out of 10-20 sensitive/philosophical posts a day (to create content quickly)

- He is looking for a new girlfriend or so, and apparently he is also looking within the Netherlands :))
- He does not regard timezones AT ALL :)) But apparently he is in mine! (Paris +1.00) He made that mistake twice!
- He is supposed to be in the army and on a mission in "Syria", fighting against ISIS, their camp got attacked and everything was shared with me. Army people are, usually, not allowed to have digital contact or at least certainly not allowed to share mission details.
- ISIS is not as vigilant as you would've thought... According to him their meeting them every day out in the open and stuff. (according to this guy ofc.)
- He was not quick/smart/intelligent enough to understand what I was saying. It had cost me, in total at least 30-45 minutes to explain that "mr. Bunik" was a fictional charater from my homework casus. The words "fictional", "not real", "casus/case".. did NOT seem to sink in... almost all of the time. (made me doubt his native tongue a.o.) 
- FUN FACT! After hearing about mr. Bunik (the original joke, and fictional case) who wasn't very trustworthy and embezzled $8000-9000 fictive money from his, just as fictive, hockey club.... HE WANTED TO ACTUALLY MEET THE FICTIONAL MR BUNIK FOR BUSINESS PROPOSALS!! It took me forever to explain that that was not possible :))))
- The money question!: Cant reach my bank account with $600.000 on it from syria, My camp has been attacked by Isis, cannot get home, can you please send me $500 for clothes and specific toiletries...
I mean... yeah... so many things... :)))
- The money should be transferred (I guess?) to this agent in Turkey who will visit syria in 3 days...

... I mean... what a super lousy agent! Your boy(s) camp has been attacked, by ISIS!! (It seems that that are no nice guys) And not only are you going to wait THREE DAYS, but you are also not doing anything on your own to save your guys? I would damnright fire that agent!
I offered this Miller John guy to straighten that agent out for him... he also didn't get that one... so sad..
-After me telling him I would love to get to know the real him, with honesty and such, he needed to go to bed (in his attacked camp, whilst he wants to go home to Texas and the army cannot get him back) I am glad that he, at least, can sleep during such stressful times! Sleep is very important.

... Never heard from him again...
... I mean... what a super lousy agent! Your boy(s) camp has been attacked, by ISIS!! (It seems that that are no nice guys) And not only are you going to wait THREE DAYS, but you are also not doing anything on your own to save your guys? I would damnright fire that agent!
I offered this Miller John guy to straighten that agent out for him... he also didn't get that one... so sad..
-After me telling him I would love to get to know the real him, with honesty and such, he needed to go to bed (in his attacked camp, whilst he wants to go home to Texas and the army cannot get him back) I am glad that he, at least, can sleep during such stressful times! Sleep is very important.

... Never heard from him again...

This guy made my day though! It's nice to have a good laugh every once and a while :) 


  1. Julius flat has been texting me for 2 months. Now.but l do love these pictures I was sent some by Julius flar. I for it was Julius flar. So I was scream.i liked these pictures. And sorry to say I fall in love this man.and he got into my mean.he told me that he was not a scammerhe even sent me a picture of his 110 year old daughter. I fill so hurt. What he did to me.

    1. I am sorry that he stole your heart... they do not care if they hurt you.
      It is like someone dying.. you lose them forever.

      But now you know about scammers and all that tell you Military will be fake.

    2. plus he makes humongous mistakes on that one, nowadays! So more people will be safer from him now :)

    3. Hi there.
      I have been talking to a few military guys and yes there faces have been all over the internet as scammers. But I have found one that isn't on the internet at all. He even talks different to allow the others. This has been my mission to find and fall in love with a military guy. So really do hope this one is real....

    4. come to me in
      REMEMBER IF HE IS DEPLOYED he can't show you were he is and also THEY CAN DO A VIDEO CALL.... proper face to face and full conversation video call.

    5. Jest teraz na Facebooku nazywa się Kane Milers potrzebuje na bilet lotniczy z Syrii

  2. Julius flar I what onto Facebook and he came to me.we started texting on Facebook. For a whole. And then he take me on. Hangout. To text in private.i fall in love with the .pictures.but he would not talk to me on. Videophone. Know I now why.

    1. Yes.. you know why... because it is not him. These are the most horrible people on earth.

  3. I have had the pleasure of "meeting" his Alter Ego miller John (Marcus Miller John from San Antonio Texas to be precise).
    He is getting sloppy tho... or he is just a little dumb? He makes a lot of mistakes nowadays. Of course being findable on a google picture search is not very smart, I would check that sort of thing before I's use the same pictures again. But here are my findings:

    - Profile created 2 days before adding me
    - No friends on his fb
    - His fb wall is build up out of 10-20 sensitive/philosophical posts a day (to create content quickly)

    - He is looking for a new girlfriend or so, and apparently he is also looking within the Netherlands :))
    - He does not regard timezones AT ALL :)) But apparently he is in mine! (Paris +1.00) He made that mistake twice!
    - He is supposed to be in the army and on a mission in "Syria", fighting against ISIS, their camp got attacked and everything was shared with me. Army people are, usually, not allowed to have digital contact or at least certainly not allowed to share mission details.
    - ISIS is not as vigilant as you would've thought... According to him their meeting them every day out in the open and stuff. (according to this guy ofc.)
    - He was not quick/smart/intelligent enough to understand what I was saying. It had cost me, in total at least 30-45 minutes to explain that "mr. Bunik" was a fictional charater from my homework casus. The words "fictional", "not real", "casus/case".. did NOT seem to sink in... almost all of the time. (made me doubt his native tongue a.o.)
    - FUN FACT! After hearing about mr. Bunik (the original joke, and fictional case) who wasn't very trustworthy and embezzled $8000-9000 fictive money from his, just as fictive, hockey club.... HE WANTED TO ACTUALLY MEET THE FICTIONAL MR BUNIK FOR BUSINESS PROPOSALS!! It took me forever to explain that that was not possible :))))
    - The money question!: Cant reach my bank account with $600.000 on it from syria, My camp has been attacked by Isis, cannot get home, can you please send me $500 for clothes and specific toiletries...
    I mean... yeah... so many things... :)))
    - The money should be transferred (I guess?) to this agent in Turkey who will visit syria in 3 days...
    ... I mean... what a super lousy agent! Your boy(s) camp has been attacked, by ISIS!! (It seems that that are no nice guys) And not only are you going to wait THREE DAYS, but you are also not doing anything on your own to save your guys? I would damnright fire that agent!
    I offered this Miller John guy to straighten that agent out for him... he also didn't get that one... so sad..
    -After me telling him I would love to get to know the real him, with honesty and such, he needed to go to bed (in his attacked camp, whilst he wants to go home to Texas and the army cannot get him back) I am glad that he, at least, can sleep during such stressful times! Sleep is very important.

    ... Never heard from him again...

    This guy made my day though! It's nice to have a good laugh every once and a while :)

    1. It is and they brighten our day sometimes.. also... the Army is in Raqqa... and Assad knocked out the internet there.. so there is no normal contact for troops in Syria !! So he is so clever, he must have his own satellite...

      I enjoyed that.. thank you

    2. Now he's back on Facebook using James Steven fair

  4. Hello, I tell you that now it is in some fake profiles with the name of Arnold Benson,
    In the conversation he says.
    That is Sergeant First Class.
    He has an 8-year-old daughter named Mia
    Currently in Syria - Aleppo
    He's a milionare.
    He lost his parents at 15
    His wife betrayed him so he divorced.
    It's from New Yersey.
    Live in Newark
    He's 42 years old.
    He is divorced.
    And use the chat account in Hangouts.
    I found out in 1 week of having conversations.
    This person has photos and videos, I have tried to ask for photos and videos as much as I can. But what a disappointment with this kind of thing.

    1. Me to!!! Exactly, I feel like he mind fucked me.. I was crying because the image type was so wonderful. I just came out of a divorce and then I was asked for 2k for the same reasons. What a scammer!

    2. He suffers too. It is Cyber Criminals who use his pictures to steal money. The perfect man does not exist and certainly not by text. Nathan Fair suffers too.... I wish it was different

  5. Hello, I tell you that now it is in some fake profiles with the name of Arnold Benson,
    In the conversation he says.
    That is Sergeant First Class.
    He has an 8-year-old daughter named Mia
    Currently in Syria - Aleppo
    He's a milionare.
    He lost his parents at 15
    His wife betrayed him so he divorced.
    It's from New Yersey.
    Live in Newark
    He's 42 years old.
    He is divorced.
    And use the chat account in Hangouts.
    I found out in 1 week of having conversations.
    This person has photos and videos, I have tried to ask for photos and videos as much as I can. But what a disappointment with this kind of thing.

  6. Hello, I tell you that now it is in some fake profiles with the name of Arnold Benson,
    In the conversation he says.
    That is Sergeant First Class.
    He has an 8-year-old daughter named Mia
    Currently in Syria - Aleppo
    He's a milionare.
    He lost his parents at 15
    His wife betrayed him so he divorced.
    It's from New Yersey.
    Live in Newark
    He's 42 years old.
    He is divorced.
    And use the chat account in Hangouts.
    I found out in 1 week of having conversations.
    This person has photos and videos, I have tried to ask for photos and videos as much as I can. But what a disappointment with this kind of thing.

  7. Don't ask for pictures and videos PLEASE.. you are getting a Nigerian to send you the stolen life of an innocent man. We have a lot of his and we don't use videos sent out as we can't mark them and they would get stolen to use but please, once you know, out of respect ! Please drop and block.
    I would like to post the information but where is he as Arnold Benson please.. I can't find on FB and IG.

  8. Он пишет,что в Сирии, воюет. Писал о своей сильной любви кг мне,что хочет семью со мной. Писал,что разведен,что есть дочь, которая живёт с ним,а жена наркоманка и он с ней не пересекается.... Для того, чтобы вытащить его с Сирии,я должна перечислить деньги в размере 1500 долларов его армии... Пишет,что по приезду домой займётся моими документами,визами, чтобы я к нему переехала.... Подписан он ,как Fair Brakes... Нашел мой профиль в Инстаграм а потом начал переписку hangouts...

  9. ЛЮБОЙ, кто утверждает, что он Военный или Доктор, никогда не бывает реальным.
    Им не разрешено это делать, и они этого не делают.
    Каждый раз, когда кто-то говорит, что они военные, это мошенник из
    Западная Африка с любовными словами.
    Они будут просить карты и / или наличные
    Американский солдат не может просто жениться на гражданине США! и никогда не отправлять деньги .. это африканские преступники грабят тебя

  10. he is now on facebook as fair Thomas look out everyone

      thank you this will be reported and removed tomorrow

  11. He is on Facebook as “James Campbell “
    Today I spoke to him on hangouts under the name of “militarybaseunit” that’s when he asked for money , too many red flags that’s why I decided to google his picture

    1. remember ANYONE that claims to be Military is never real.
      They do not do it. Real men do NOT go looking on social media to contact women.
      Every time someone says they are military, it is a scammer from
      West Africa with love words.
      They WILL ask for cards and/ or cash

      and Hangouts is a bad place to be... all it is is scammers and victims !

  12. Yeah I got a friend request from fake nathan Fair.wanted me to contact his commander and send $2000 and ask for a emergency leave. When I refused he totally changed with threatening me
    Today he said when he gets home he is coming to my house and put a bullet in my head. And my life is getting cut short. He sounded as if he's done this before. But he keeps threatening my life and calling me foul names all because I wouldn't send $2000. I stood up for my self and he didn't take that very well. So just wanted to share this so females dont get caught up in hi web of lies an promises. Be careful. Ladies . Nathan. Fair he is not but I wish he was the real. Nathan Fair. He is very handsome smart polite
    And kind I would love to meet him .before this idiot does come after me. Be safe. And thank you

    1. He is only making threats because he can and you are not blocking him.
      This is not Nathan.. this is a very stupid and bullying Nigerian where words is all they have.

      Yes Nathan is nice.. and polite.. your scammer is Nigerian and can say anything he wants to you.. and will.. as long as you let him !
      BLOCK EVERYWHERE.,. nobody is coming after you.. just a mindless moron criminal in Nigeria and is so greedy this is what they do for it !

    2. I'm sorry nathan Fair, scammer use your photos,as mark,I'm sorry,now I know

    3. Omg, same here last year but never said put a bullet … if he dares I got something for him ! He said his name was Otto Lukas . Red flags and bam asked for 2 k ! I cursed his ass off … etc

    4. BUT.. good he got NOTHING .. thanks for the information

  13. I was in a relationship by text with Kelvin Nelson Mallick, the guy used his pictures. And I believed in this person for a year. I need to report this. I was single, his story was he was a widow, single father with a child, who was in a social home care in California. He took advantage of my vulnerability of wanting a Christian man, who had a family. Im so ashamed and embarrassed. I fell for this man, he sent me music videos, workout video, pictures. The pictures I see of Nathan Fair. Really blows my mind. That I was caught up in a fantasy. Im so sorry. Im so hurt that I had faith in God and prayed for his well-being and for his daughter. That it was all a lie. Im really a good person. This is such a scam and I was the victim. My heart was broken to allow this scam to happen. I dont want to say on here. But I was a victim. God bless Nathan Fair & his family 🙏

  14. I was in a relationship by text with Kelvin Nelson Mallick, the guy used his pictures. And I believed in this person for a year. I need to report this. I was single, his story was he was a widow, single father with a child, who was in a social home care in California. He took advantage of my vulnerability of wanting a Christian man, who had a family. Im so ashamed and embarrassed. I fell for this man, he sent me music videos, workout video, pictures. The pictures I see of Nathan Fair. Really blows my mind. That I was caught up in a fantasy. Im so sorry. Im so hurt that I had faith in God and prayed for his well-being and for his daughter. That it was all a lie. Im really a good person. This is such a scam and I was the victim. My heart was broken to allow this scam to happen. I dont want to say on here. But I was a victim. God bless Nathan Fair & his family 🙏

  15. I was in a relationship by text with Kelvin Nelson Mallick, the guy used his pictures. And I believed in this person for a year. I need to report this. I was single, his story was he was a widow, single father with a child, who was in a social home care in California. He took advantage of my vulnerability of wanting a Christian man, who had a family. Im so ashamed and embarrassed. I fell for this man, he sent me music videos, workout video, pictures. The pictures I see of Nathan Fair. Really blows my mind. That I was caught up in a fantasy. Im so sorry. Im so hurt that I had faith in God and prayed for his well-being and for his daughter. That it was all a lie. Im really a good person. This is such a scam and I was the victim. My heart was broken to allow this scam to happen. I dont want to say on here. But I was a victim. God bless Nathan Fair & his family 🙏

    1. You should not be sorry it should be the evil wickedness of the scammer.
      The thing about West African scammers is they use religion every day in their scams.
      Always quoting the Bible, sending blessings and all lies.. all fake religion and all for greed.
      You are a really good person and you do not deserve this. Neither does Nathan. I have never come across such evil in my life as I have Nigerian scammers.
      A victim means someone did something bad to you so never blame any part of this on yourself.
      Good Bless you.. and be safe.

  16. I have been talking to this guy on first on instragram than hang out said he is nathan andrew fair i have real photos of him in army uniform with us army and fair on his uniform he said he coming to Australia to marry me i have been with him for 6months he rings me every day i have fallen in love with him his photos he us gorgeous he has a 12year old daughter

    1. sorry but you are being scammed. Nathan is married and happily settled and lives in the USA with his family but has been used for many years in scams by West Africans. Which is what you are talking to. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY MORE MONEY, CARDS OR GIVE AWAY ANY MORE INFORMATION

      The photos are real... real stolen from the real Guy... Nathan is very well known in the Army for his singing BUT ... he isn't deployed or coming to Australia. I am sorry they found you but you really must get out of this scam. These are criminals.

  17. He's william bryan now on facebook spoke to him on hangouts

  18. I want to believe David fair is legit

    1. He is not David he is Nathan.. and no he is not legit at all.
      ANYONE that claims to be MILITARY is never real.
      They do not do it. Real Military do NOT go looking on social media to contact women, they are NOT allowed to tell a stranger where they are deployed.
      Every time someone says they are MILITARY , it is a scammer from
      West Africa with love words.
      They WILL ask for cards and/ or cash

      You are being scammed and I am very sorry but that is the truth. Your David Fair is a Nigerian telling you lies.

    2. Thanks a lot,in I spend money for the card,it's ok god is good all the time, sorry,in you're wife,I'm sorry,even I right to us Us navy,for merried,I'm sorry

    3. I'm sorry nathan in to your wife ,in victims of scammer, sorry

    4. a scammer also wrote to me using name nathan fair

  19. Jest na fb nazywa się Kane Milers

      dziękuję, zgłosimy i usuniemy

  20. I have in him Linkedin
    just started a conversation but it looked so fishy to me so i made a serach and here I am...

  21. As of yesterday January 23,2022 he is going by Mark Scott Williams. Military Power on Hangouts.

    1. There is no good reason for you to be on Hangouts. Please delete it and get out of the scam


    3. Thank you, I have closed the fake account
