NEVER **SEND ANYTHING YOU HAVE NEVER MET IN PERSON IT WILL ALWAYS BE A SCAM .... ~~ Also PICTURES AND INFORMATION BEST PLACE TO TALK TO US.. Comments left have to be moderated due to the large amount of SPAM. For quicker answers please come to Facebook Page.. and to Messages on there.
My"true love" just asked me for help him complete an oil brig job where the equipment burned in a fire.He is good too. He romanced me in English and Spanish.He goes under the name Jim Thomas and I met him on words with friends.I was not aware until I started researching the scams the Nigerian scammers use this as another "hunting ground"Who knew.
ReplyDeleteWomen Beware!!! He had the lineup and then the pitch.It took about a month for the moneyto be mentioned.I was beginning to think he was real because he did call on a cell number
that could be traced back to Ohio.He was disappointed that I did not trust him. I don't
Those numbers.. look up Google Voice and it explains how he has an Ohio number !
DeleteWWF is infested.. but it is WWFriends and not WW strangers ! so be very careful !
But I am so glad you researched and found, this is what we need all women to do !
Thank you and be careful... WWF, Scrabble, even the Fitbit App.. ALL flooded with scammers.
This "girl" made contact, and seemed unreal until the phone pocket call came by mistake and it was from INDIA with loads of non american voices in the background. Scammer made a mistake, so lucky for me. Asked for money to becuase her internet was crap. Asked for $300 -$500 so I checked, it costs $99... The only thing is, I really like this girls pictures, how do I get a real date :-)
ReplyDeleteHer husband wouldn't like it ! :) thanks for the information !
DeleteShe should remember who she was writing to �� She wrote to me, but I didn't fall for it and I exposed her �� After a year she tries to pick me up again, and I pretend I'm not guessing. Has some new photos. I could post them here as a warning to others.
DeleteSo maybe not the same scammers at all.
you can contact me on scamhatersunited@
'She' has never contacted anyone.. remember she is a human and used by scammers !
Your contact will be from an African man using her