Scam Haters United

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Sherrad Mason, 39yrs, New Zealand, Pilot Elaborate scam using the stolen pictures of Tyler Thomas


Sherrad Mason, 39yrs, New Zealand, Pilot (says has been flying with American airlines and Wizzair before, due to pandemic lost his jobs and started flying again for military, deployed in Kabul, only child, mother passed away from cancer the previous year, ex-girlfriend had cheated on him, had been single since then, christian in belief

Deployed to Syria in the beginning of April, al-Tanf base, and Raffa village Phone number: +447828462092 (business number) Emails: File number: 217/2JTF1980ZX MOS: 7681 (monitoring /air attack pilot) Control number: 154C-CH-47D
CREDENCE-FUNDS Personal Banking (this information was working still on 20th-21st of April 2021) Account number:603460209 Password: SHERRADMASON794 Personal authentication number (PAN): 7945 I was able to login to this account with his assistance. I have screenshots of the conversation and trying to make the payment and also about the consequences. I have seen the bank balance on that day.
A payment of 33000USD. Didn’t g through due to ”active combat duty personel are not allowed to use bank during combat missions” On 5th of October ”login details are wrong”
Blockchain: (tried together with Mason on 13th of June 2021) Wallet ID: 63ed85a1-e54d-418c-b102-f75ec23aacbd Password: SHERRADMASON44 We were trying to login but authentication was required with F2A-code/SMS
Names involved: Sherrad Mason Chen Boijing Chen
Lt. Abdul Uzza Mahdi Hotlinks Express
Yanna Miguelina Jimenez Veras
THE STORY: To be mentioned that I understand now that none of this really happened but I will write like it felt at the moment. We started chatting on Tinder in the beginning of March and after few days we switched to Whatsupp.
Mason, as he wanted to be called, was very kind, loving and caring and we got off really well. He said he was writing from a military device which is not allowed to be used in personal contacting/use but he still wanted to chat with someone.
After few weeks he said that he wasn’t sure if he was getting paid on time since his colleague had ended up in an argument with his supervisor about paycheck and asked me if I could login to his account (red flag #1) and check if there was a payment on that date. I refused at that point.
After a month of chatting he got bad news and said he was being deployed to Syria and said that he was scared to go there with his consignment box and asked if he could send it to me since he had no other people he could trust (red flag #2). After persuation he sent me the box. And asked me to contact the delivery company Hotlinks Express about the date of arrival. Night before the box was supposed to be at my doorstep delivery company contacted me that the box was in Turkey, Istanbul and there is no customs fee paid and 1000€ should be paid for the Turkish customs. Since he was there in Syria I decided to make the transaction via Moneygram since my bank didn’t make the transaction (red flag#3). I tried to get a more specific answer from the bank why it would not be made but they started communicating me on this. Anyway the money was transfered via MoneyGram using a contact person Yanna Miguelina Jimenez Veras.
After this payment was made the box was said to go through scanning at the customs before being released to delivery. But they said that box had been opened and they found that there was 65000USD in the box. (red flag #4) To me Mason had said that there was personal items, photo album, uniform, retirement papers etc.
This started a new episode in this whole mess but I was emotionally so involved that I just wanted to help him. The Turkish customs wanted to have a money laundry certificate and restricted cash permit to release the money and the box. All this was with the help of the delivery company which said that they would be in trouble if they didn’t try to help us getting those documents (red flag #5).
Within few days the company got back to us that the documents could be done properly and the box released for delivery but the price was 30000€. (red flag #6) I straight away said to Mason that I’m not able to make that payment and he asked if we could do it together from is bank account. I did it with him walking me through it while chatting in Whatsupp and I kept sending photos of the phases.
After the payment was done, Mason got a message from the bank that the transaction was cancelled because an active duty combat personel is not allowed to use their bank account and that the account was suspended until he would return to UK and would deal this with his lawyer in the bank. I still refused to pay the full amount but convinced the delivery company to help us with the payment.
They agreed (red flag #7). I paid 1500€ via MoneyGram again to the same agent Yanna Miguelina Jimenez Veras to Turkey Istanbul. And the company agreed that the money they paid for the documents would be paid back of the money in the consignment box. A huge stress had been lifted of my shoulders and the box was on its way. I really didn’t want anything with the money just a letter that was supposed to be inside the box for me. So in love and stupid I was.
Well next, of course, the box was stopped at the Finnish border. (this probably a clue I gave the criminals since I strongly was doubting that the box would not make it through Finnish Customs without them going through it because it was said to be becoming from Afghanistan) And I know that Finnish authorities are very strict and go by the book in 98% of the times. So the Finnish border officials wanted Mason’s file number, MOS, control number and SSN. They would be checking it out if he was allowed to send anything or if it was allowed in the country because of the origin of the box. Mason gave the first three but said that he didn’t remember his SSN (red flag#8) because it was so long and UK Defence is the only one who makes use of it. And they were not allowed to take it with them on deployments. Anyway the box was said to be held at the Finnish border until he would provide the SSN after his discharge.
Everything went well for sometime and he got news that he would be finally discharged after one big mission and we were really happy. The mission went horribly wrong and the device that he was chatting me with got hijacked and it was spoilt so that he would get charged for treason if he would return the device to the military to be repaired. So he would either have to face charges for treason for using the device for personal reasons or get a new device. He confided to a local war lord Lt. Abdul Uzza Mahdi (red flag #9) what had happened and that he could get a new device. At the this point he contacted me with email which I didn’t respond because it was in my junk mail. So checked my junk mail and found a long letter from him explaining the situation. He said he had got a device he could borrow from the warlord until the new device would arrive. The device would be ordered via chinese dealer Chen Boijing Cheng. And the payment of 35000USD would be done with bitcoins. At this moment Mason revealed that he had a lot of money on his Blockchain account and we would make the payment from there
Of course there was issues with the Blockchain signing in and it couldn’t be verified without a SMS code. So again we were wondering what to do.
At this moment I believe I was so in love and so much expecting to have him with me that I decided to help him and stupidly got a loan for it. I made myself a bitcoin account and got the money transfered to the Chinese dealer Chen.
And of course there was a border fee (red flag # I can’t even count anymore) at the Syrian border because of the pandemic. The border fee was 3500€ and I paid that too. After all this was made I thought we had it clear even though I had the worst gut feeling for days and I still kept ignoring that feeling.
The device was delivered to the Syrian warlord but of course there were complications. Mason had borrowed money from the warlord to be able to go to check-ups for PTSD (red flag #8574or something) and buy food etc. But the money had to be paid back before the warlord would release the device for him and he would get to go home. The borrowed money was 12000USD.
I immediately said that there is no way I can pay anymore. And he seem to take it very well and we were still all in love and cute in our online relationship. Anyhow I wanted to help him and managed to get still 2000€ for him until all pieces of the puzzle hit together in my head. I went online and found a story about the box and Hotlinks Express delivery company with a guy name Sherrad Mason - only the pictures were not the same ones as I had of him
I blocked him immediately and for my own mental health I wanted to write down and share my story and kind of go through all this and how I was tricked into this. Luckily I had made my math with the loans and I believe in the back of my head I knew that this is going to happen since I counted really carefully that I was able to pay everything back to the bank if this was a scam. Even though I will get a reminder of my stupidity for the next 15 years every month which is not a nice thing if you think of it.
I hope my story would help someone not to fall for these people since they are really sneaky and good at what they do. They chat with you through out the night and make sure you don’t forget them with their beautiful morning messages and good nights and you will get sucked into it without you noticing how deep down you are in it before it’s too late. And all this happened with Whatsupp. Few failed FaceTimes and whole lot of chatting- that did it for me. Stupid of me. All of the clear red flags that I ignored and all of the red flags which I didn’t even mention here but now but ignored.
The same red flags you would react to if it was a real date or a person. Through out these 7 months I regularly went online and went through the oddities and searched with his name, email, phone number, searched the names involved everytime a new name would poo up and just to find out if there was anything I had missed. I just needed some confirmation for my gut feeling.
So ladies!!! Trust your gut feeling. I let down my guard for once in my life and here I am. They say if it’s too good to be true then it probably is. This is shout out to is to any man reading so far - at the same time if so many women fall for these romance scams couldn’t there be more of those real, nice, romantic guys that these criminals makes us fantasize about? All I can say is I was never after anybody’s money. All I wanted a dream come true love story and it is really hard to get my head around the fact that this was not it.

931-464-1514 Using Tyler

+1(760)991-4008 Using Tyler

+1 (214) 414-1121

Mason O'Brian <>

209 877 7418 Using Tyler

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